"I'm just joking! you should have seen your face!" the voice said while laughing.
"YOU ARE SUCH A JERK! what is your name any way?" I asked. I've been dying to know his name. He looks african american and he is not ugly. He is really cute. Ok. Thats 2 times in one day i have seen a new guy and thought he was cute. Crap. I have a boy friend i told my self over and over again.
"My name is Mason and your name is?" He asked with a big grin on his face.
"Im Alex. Why did you beat up my twin brother?"
"Beacuse i knew him in 8th grade and he stole my girlfriend. I just wanted to beat the crap out of him."
"Ok. Well i had no clue about that so dont kill me. My brother broke his anckle so i need to get him to a hospital."
"Ya i saw that. My friend Jeramiah and his girl friend were the ones chasing you guys."
"Whats her name?" I asked.
"Gabbie. You guys would get along. She is hiding be hind that bush over there." He said pointing. I walked over and moved the bush to see a boy that looked 16 and a girl that looked about my age making out. I cleared my throut loudly and looked at them. They turn quickly and glared at me, then Gabbie, im guessing, smiled and looked at me and started laughing.
"Hiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!" She said still laughing. She was blushing.
"Hi. Im Alex." I said. I haven't had my first kiss yet so i wouldn't know what it would be like to make out with some one. "I need to get to the city bridge. Do you guys want to come?" I said before she said anything.
"I WANT TO!!!!!" Gabbie yelled.
"Ok. Lets go then."
"OK!!!!" Gabbie yelled with excitement. She is really loud. But funny.
We got to the bridge and i ran to the water. I just needed something to cool me down. I looked at the bridge and i saw some one who looked like....... No it couldn't be...... Is it........it is.......... Jim.
JK. That is now my welcoming but just know even if i dont say im joking after sup homosexuals im still joking. Well remember even you can be a character but if you want to be a character please write what you want to do. Then i will add you.