Chapter 1

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Hana's POV
"Kaya, I swear to God that if you don't get your lazy ass downstairs in 1 second you aren't going to Australia!" I screamed. Ugh why does she has to do everything in last second? I told her to pack her bags yesterday, but nooo why would she do that? She's so fucking lazy gosh.. "KAYA" i yelled one more time. "I'm here gosh, u don't have to yell okay?" She said. "Ugh i hate you" i said felling annoyed asf. "Love you too"
Okay so we were finally driving to the airport. Wow. As we came there we had to run because ofcorse we were late ugh. But suprisly we didn't missed the flight. Thanks god. Well anyway we went to the plane and sitted down as comfortable as we could. Kaya was nervous af because she was never on the plane before. "Omg wierdo" i said to myself as i slowely fell asleep.
Kaya POV
Ughhh this is scary. I hate planes. Like litarally Hana is sleeping over there like it's normal and im fucking shaking. Woah. What the fuck was that. The plane moved like alot.
K: Hana
H: Let me sleep
K: I don't wanna die
H: U won't die Kaya.
K: How can you sleep?
H: Um easy.
K: Ugh i hate you.
H: Whatever
She fell asleep again. Great. Ugh. Well i tried to sleep too but well i could't... After few hours (that felt like years) we finally landed. Woah. I looked outside. It was wonderfull like it was so fucking amazing. "HANA WAKE UP" I yelled because of exitement. "Shut up" she replyed still asleep. "We're in Australia darling. Welcome to our new home" i whispered to her. She suddenly got up and looked outside. We finally got off the plane and it was so fucking hot outside like ugh. I mean i do love nice weather but this is just kind of too much. We tooked our bags and stuffs and called a taxi. When we arrived to our new apartmant we were like woah. It was so fucking big and beautifull. Like wonderfull to be honest. We went inside and we putted our clothes and other things off the bag. Than we changed and we decided to go to Starbucks. Because it's fucking life. Am i right or am i right? Duhhh. Well we went there and we sitted down. After we did that i saw someone coming inside. And i almost fucking chocked. I couldn't belive it. It was Luke fucking Hemmings?! Wtf?!
H: whut
K: Am i fucking dreaming?!
H: What's wrong?
I pointed to Luke. And well lets just say her reaction was pretty much the same as mine. "Maybe we should play cool" i said. We kind of went to him trying to be chill af and just ask for a picture and a hug. But things didn't go as we expected. We started to act histerical and we cried.
K: L-U-U-K-E?
L: Hi girls
H: omg
K: you're real
L: Umm yeah i am real
H: Can we um like um *cries*
L: Do you wanna have a picture?
K: Yass
We tooked pictures with Luke and he sighned our hands and we were able to fucking hug him like woah.
K: Where are the others um if i may ask?
L: Um Michael and Ashton are still sleeping and Calum is at his sister.
K: Ohh
H: So um do you guys live here?
L: Um yeah we acually have a house like few minutes away from here. I wasn't suppose to told you all that but i kind of trust you two..
K: Omgg i just i can't belive you're fucking real woah.
H: Same here
L: Would you like to come over sometimes? Like i think you two are really nice and kind and we could become great friends
K: Are you fucking kidding us?
L: No im not kidding. Can you give me your number please and i'll call you.
I gave him my and Hana's number and he said he gotta go. Woah. What the hell just happened?! Did we really meet Luke Hemmings ?! WTF?! And he has our number and he want's to be friends with us? Is this a fucking fanfiction?!?
"Hana did this really happened?" i asked still crying.
"Um yeah i think it acually has babe"
Damn. I love Australia already.

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