Intro/Not A Chapter

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Hello everyone and welcome to my book! This has been one of my favorite ideas so far so I've decided to write it. The chapter may take a bit to come up because I am writing this on Google Docs and then copying it onto here. In this part I am going to describe some characters that you'll meet.

Cindy and Evelyn: Okay so they are Siamese Twins and share a bottom half, they both have a torso and head of their own. Because that all has to fit on one pair of legs, their bottom half is bigger than normal. They have trouble running and walking because of that. They are about 5'3''

Cindy: Cindy has thick blond hair that falls down to the middle of her back. She has blue/green eyes and rosy cheeks. Her skin is pale and her favorite color is sea green. She hates girly things and stands up for her sister a lot.

Evelyn: She has short brown hair that goes down to her shoulders and curves in. Her eyes are a deep green, which is her favorite color. She is shy and hopelessly in love with happily ever after. Sometimes she has depressing thoughts but her sister always puts an end to them.

John/Dad/Father: John has brown hair and blue eyes. He is very handsome but ugly minded. He blames Cindy and Evelyn for his wife's death because she died at childbirth. Ever since then he's locked the twins in the house and has become an alcoholic.

As the story progresses the descriptions of characters may change and you'l meet more people.

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