Chapter 3

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Two broken ribs, that's what I had to make a cover story for. How does one make up a story for TWO BROKEN RIBS! This is the worst thing i've had to lie about so far. I grant you, it's not very hard considering our dad is one of the doctors at the hospital, so everyone trusts him. A doctor would NEVER harm his two little girls.

I know this may sound a little selfish, but hear me out, I'm glad Cindys the one with the broken ribs. If I was the one wounded she wouldn't use a fake story, and of course the doctors and nurses at the hospital wouldn't believe her if she told the truth. We would earn quite a beating if Cindy wasn't careful.

I slowly shake Cindy's unmoving body,
"Wake up" I whisper gently. I need her to wake up, it's very hard to walk with a whole torso hanging off your hips. She grunts and slaps gently at my hand, as if it was an annoying fly.

"Wake up." I say, more sternly this time and give her a semi-hard shove. Cindy grunts and cracks open her eyes. Her eyes travel around the room as they adjust to the lighting. When her gaze finally lands on me looking at her she starts picking herself up and immediately doubles over in pain.

"Take it slow Cindy, you have two broken ribs." I help her stand up and we slowly walk down the stairs.

"So what tragic thing happened to us this week?" Cindy drawled, I could hear the sarcasm dripping from her words. I ignore her as we walk down the stairs.

"I have decided that the most believable excuse is that we fell down the stairs, the poor doctors probably think it's hard to walk being the way we are." It's not completely untrue, I did fall down the stairs when I was dragging her limp body up the stairs. I've gotten so used to only controlling halve our body that if A have to control the whole thing, I normally stumble. OF course I don't tell Cindy that, she'd feel ever so guilty. As we, or I, stumble off the bed I hear fathers hoarse voice from down stairs.

" GIRLS, GET DOWN HERE, NOW" I figure he's in a hurry to get to the hospital because the wounds need to look fresh for them to buy his story.

Even though Cindy tries to resist, she's no match for my mind in her weaker state, we eventually make it downstairs to the dining and living room area.

"What happened today girls?" Father ASks mockingly.

"We tripped over our own feet and fell down the stairs." He shares a fake smile and gestures toward the door.

The living room is a mess. We tried to clean and dust off the pictures but, when father saw us he rushed to the photo of mom we were dusting and scooped it up. He didn't even bother to yell at us, he just stood there whimpering like an injured puppy. That was before he took up drinking. I bet now if we even TOUCH a picture of mom he'll give us some pretty good bruises. I guess leaving the house just the way she left it helps with his grief. I've always wanted to take a picture of mom and hide it upstairs but, I never get a chance. But Cindy know that's just an excuse a make for not having the guts to face him.

I didn't realize I wasn't moving until father clears his throat menacingly. I understand what he's trying to say and start walking towards the door.

"About time. Go get in the car." He grits out, clenching his teeth. We obey and slowly make our way out the door. Even though it's not for a good reason, I enjoy walking out here. We normally don't get the privilege to go outside.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in sooooo long, this chapter isn't completed yet but when I do I'll add it to here. Buh bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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