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I groaned rolling over as my phone started ringing loudly.

"Have to remind me to put it on silent." I mumbled. I heard Harry's tired laugh and I opened my eyes. "Hello?" I answered putting the phone to my ear.

"Oh Draco!" Hermione's voice rang in my ears. Her tone was worried and my thoughts jumped to her losing the baby. I bolted into an upright sitting position.

"Hermione? Is everything alright?"

"Yes yes." She sniffled. "I just wanted to check in."

"Oh." I breathed out and slumped next to Harry. "I'm getting better. My leg is gonna be put into a brace soon so I could put at least a little weight on it."

"That's great." She said.

"And Harry got his memories back. He's been asking about you." I told her and she let out a happy sob.

"I-is that so?" She asked and I smiled softly.

"Yes. Would you like to speak to him?" I asked and she gasped.
"Can I?"

"Let me ask." I said. I pulled the phone off my ear and looked at Harry. He was watching me so I smiled. "Harry, Hermione wants to speak to you. Are you up for it?" I said softly. He blinked at me and looked worried. I leaned in and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Go on, it'll be alright." I said and he nodded. He took the phone from me and put it to his ear hesitantly.

"'Mione." He spoke and her sob was so loud I heard it from the phone. "Hi Hermione. It's been awhile don't you think?" Harry spoke softly and teasingly. I smiled and stood myself up with my crutches.

"Harry, I'll be outside." I whispered and he nodded. I crutched outside where Blaise was making breakfast.

"Good morning. Sleep well?" He asked and I crutched over to the counter.

"Yes I did." I agreed. "How about you?" I asked taking a seat on the bar stool.

"I slept just fine. Where's Harry?" He asked.

"Hermione called to check in so I had Harry speak to her." I smiled. He placed some eggs in front of me and I dug in.

"That's great." He said. "Was he okay with speak to her?"

"He seemed hesitant but he took the call anyway."

"That's good." He agreed. I took another a bit of my food.

"Um Draco or Blaise? I need help!" Harry called and I frowned slightly. Blaise patted my shoulder and trotted into my room. I continued eating and when Harry came in his eyes were glistening with tears.

"Harry?" I asked. "Are you alright?" Blaise lifted him up and placed him on the bar stool next to me.

"I'm brilliant." He smiled. "She's been well since I left. Happily married with a baby on the way. I always knew she would be successful." He said. I smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

"Yeah she is." I agreed. Blaise put eggs in front of Harry and he used his good arm to eat.

"Draco?" He asked and I turned to him. Blaise walked away to feed the cats.


"Are you gonna go back to work anytime soon?" He asked and I pondered a bit.

Opportunity Knocks (Drarry) (BoyxBoy)(sequel) Where stories live. Discover now