Chapter twelve

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''Thank you, really thank you all'' ended Luhan. Everyone in the lobby was staring to Luhan and nobody had any clue of what just happened.

''But...'' Kyungsoo stuttered and was lost in the words of Luhan, he couldn't place it at all. ''But you wanted to see Canada so badly...?'' said he and he looked at Luhan, he also discovered that there wasn't any sparkle in Luhan his eyes.  Luhan felt that the tears came up in his eyes, and he tried to avoid Sehun his eyes as much as possible.

He knew that he needed to be strong, even though he still loved Sehun after everything that happened with everything he had, he couldn't give him another chance to break his heart again. It was not worth it, he didn't wanted to end up crying himself to sleep again. He hadn't told anyone about the fight with Sehun except for Lay, but everyone could notice that there was something wrong. Sehun didn't even tried to let Luhan stay.

''Sehun?'' began Kai. ''Wouldn't you just have to try to let him stay? He can see a doctor here too if he's having pain troubles and he could have his medicines here too? There's no need to go back to Seoul for that'' said Kai, letting his eyes rest on Sehun who sat in the corner of the lobby kind of as a zombie.

''What? M-me?'' stuttered Sehun, looking up to Kai. ''Uhm yes you, there's no one else named Sehun here or named Luhan's boyfriend'' said Kai. Sehun looked up,

''If he really wants to see a doctor in Seoul then that's his own choice, I can't stop him'' answered Sehun begging Kai with his eyes to start about something else.  But clearly, as the childish guy Kai always used to be he didn't get the memo. At all.

''He's your boyfriend, try to make him stay there's no fun without Lu here'' said he, looking happy to Sehun. He really believed that Sehun would be the difference between staying or leaving. Yes, he was the reason between staying and leaving but,  in a negative way.

''I can't make the decisions for Luhan, or can I?'' said Sehun, trying to make eye contact with him. ''Guys, this is the best for me. You all want the best for me right? The medicine is in Seoul and it can't be transported to Canada'' said Luhan who looked at Lay.

''Well, it can'' answered Suho. ''Yes, but it would take three weeks and I can't wait three weeks until I can use my medicines'' sighed Luhan.

When Lay told him that he couldn't say that he and Sehun broke up, he decided to make up an excuse to leave. The best one turned out to be saying that he lost his medicines and that he really needed them. It all went good, until now.

''But why does Lay needs to go with you? He doesn't needs the medicines does he?'' said Chen suddenly. He didn't spoke the whole time. Luhan was annoyed by Chen his mention, but he couldn't blame him. If Luhan would've told him the truth Chen would've never said that.

''Because I'm scared to fly'' answered Luhan. Luhan could clearly see that Xiumin raised he raised his eyebrows. Luhan signed him with his eyes and lips to not say anything.

''Just let the boy go already, we will fly back to Seoul in three days as well. We can survive without Luhan for three days can we?'' said Xiumin. Luhan wanted to thank Xiumin so badly, but he would do that after this conversation with the boys. Some of the boys murmured yes, which made Luhan happy.

''And if you guys really miss him you can also skype him if you want too, there's no need but you can'' suggested Xiumin. ''Now can I go to the swimming pool?'' he was clearly annoyed that he needed to sit inside the lobby while the sun was burning outside. In Seoul, they never saw the sun shining as bright as the sun shined in Canada.

After a couple of minutes, Luhan and Lay had kissed everyone goodbye. When they wanted to leave, Xiumin and Chen stood there right before them.

''So tell us, what is the real reason that you want to leave?'' said Xiumin. Luhan sighed, he knew that someone would notice it. ''I really did lost my medicines'' said Luhan. ''Yeah, oh yeah sure you did that's why you and Sehun avoided eye contact the whole time''.

''Yes don't pretend as if that didn't happened, because I'm sure everyone could feel the distance between you two'' said Xiumin and he rolled his eyes. Luhan felt his heart beat getting stronger, was it so obvious?

''Listen, I will tell you but not now, we're about to miss our flight'' answered Lay. ''You?'' said Chen, raising  an eyebrow. ''Listen, no offence cutie but I want to hear this out of Luhan his mouth''.

Lay raised his eyebrow, ''did you just called me cutie?'' said he and his mouth fell open. ''Did you just really-'' ''Yes, I did'' said Chen and he looked to Luhan, totally ignoring Lay being flabber-casted by his words.

Luhan almost had to laugh, but he held it together. ''No offence, Chen, but just as this cutie already said we're about to miss our flight'' answered Luhan. He looked at Lay, who had a hard time trying to figure out if Chen really meant that.

''Call me as soon as you're home, I want to know that you're okay'' said Xiumin and he took off his watch. ''Take this'' said he and he gave it to Luhan. ''What?'' answered Luhan, he raised his eyebrows.

''It's a special  watch, it gives you luck'' whispered Xiumin proud.

''Luck? Luck for what? I can't take this from you, it's your lucky watch!'' Luhan knew that Xiumin and he were like kind of best friends, but really this was too big for him.

''Just take it Luhan, take it'' said Xiumin.

''It helps you getting rid of you being afraid to fly Luhan, did you really think I didn't noticed?'' said Xiumin. Luhan looked at him,

''It helps you to getting rid of you being afraid to fly, even when your wings are broken''

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