Chapter One

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Oh my God, this school is full of cool kids. I need to know at least one child today. No pressure!

Mom: Good luck at school today!

I get out of the car.

Me: I'll need it...

I go inside the school and walk straight into a cute guy with green eyes and curly brown hair.

Me: Oh my God i'm so sorry! It's my first day here and i-i'm very nervous!

Boy: Hey, it's ok. I'm not the kind of boy who shames girls. I'm Harry. Harry Styles.

Me: Harry... i like this name! My name's Jessica Andrews. But call me Jess.

Harry: K Jess. Hey, come and meet my friends.

Me: Umm sure! Where are they?

Harry: Oh, it's our secret place. You'll keep it secret?

Me: Trust me.

He tells me to close my eyes and he guides me.

Harry: On the left now. No, not on the right. Oh, just let me do it.

He puts his right on my shoulder and his left hand on my back. I could feel how he guided me.

Me: Harry, don't you hit me. Ok?

Harry: I'm taking care of you. Now we're soooo close! Ok, here we are.

I open my eyes and see a door. A blue door.

Harry: Come on, open it!

I open the door and see five boys and two girls.

Me: Hi, I'm new.

Harry: Guys this is Jess. I met her today. Jess, they are Niall, Zayn, Louis, Liam, Justin, Caitlin and Selena.

I think i understood which is who. Lol. Niall, i think, stands up.

Niall: Hi, i'm Niall.

I was right. Then the unexpected happened. He kissed my cheek. I could feel i'm going red.

Me: Niall, nice to meet you! You seem very nice.

Harry: Yeah, now go meet the others. Niall, come here.

I'm stepping to that two girls. The first one i go to was... Caitlin, i guess.

Me: Hi! Caitlin, right?!

Caitlin: Yeah! Caitlin Beadles. And you?

Me: I'm Linsay Jessica Andrews. But call me Jess. Long name, i know.

Caitlin: Haha! Jess, this is Selena. She's ummm 21. She's the oldest here.

Selena: You make it sound like i'm an old woman, hahaha. So yeah, i'm Selena.

Me: Hii...

I hear a voice from behind, "Wow, look at that ass!" I turn around and see a blonde boy between two brunette boys. They were all smiling like little kids after doing bad things.

Me: Ok, which one of you said it?

Harry: Said what, Jess?

Me: Well ask them.

Harry: You douchebags. Why are you jerking around her?

Liam: Fine, i'm sorry Jess. Forgive us. Even if it wasn't me who said it...

Me: It's ok.

I touch his shoulder.

Me: But then who was it?

Louis: It was Justin!

Justin: *wishper* thanks dude *irronical*

Louis: Welcome.

Justin stand up.

Justin: Ah, i'm so so sorry Jess! Please forgive me.

I hug him.

Me: Ahhh it's ok.

He hugs me back.

Justin: *wishpers* Wanna be lab parteners?

Me: *wishper* Why not?

We giggle and the school bell rings. We run to the class.

"Hi, I'm New" (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now