Chapter Four

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Next day, 6:30 am.

Mom: Jess, wake up!

Me: Ummm... no!

Mom: School. Now. Get up.

She leaves the room. I stand up, look trough my clothes, and pick these black leggins, a pink shirt with "Single∞", a baseball jacket and black boots. I brush my teeth and put my hair in a high pony tail. I go downstairs.

Me: Mom, i'm going!

Mom: Ok, have fun!

School, 7:15 am.

I'm now at our place with Cat, just talking about random stuff. I saw Harry but i didn't talk to him. I also saw Juss.

Cat: You talked to Harry about... the kiss?

Me: Nope. I can't. Plus that i promised him that i'm not going to date Justin. And i can't stay away from that boy.

Cat: Awww this is the sweetest romance EVER. Come with me somewhere.

Me: Where?

Cat: I'm on my period, first day!

Me: Uhh, i'm coming.

We go on the hallway and i see a hot chick, with blonde short hair, cute shorts, a top and high heels.

Me: Cat, who's that girl?

Cat: That's Miley. Miley Cyrus. She's a bad girl. Ok. Wait, i'll be back in two seconds.

I kept looking at Miley. She was sooo pretty! Oh my God, she's coming to me! What did i do?

Miley: Haay there! Are you new?

Before i could answer some girls wishpered behind us "Miley is talking to a new girl!". Miley turned around.

Miley: So what?!

That girl ran. Lol.

Me: Uhh i'm Jessica Andrews. But you can call me Jess. I'm from New York.

Miley: Oh, nice. I'm Miley Cyrus. From how long are you here?

Me: It's my second day- but i have a question.

Miley: What?

Me: You're like a school's diva. Why are you talking to me? I'm just the new kid...

Miley: No, but you're cool. You seemed interesting to me. Can we trade phone numbers so we can chat later?

Me: Sure.

We trade the numbers and Caitlin comes out.

Cat: Heeeey Mileeey..... Jess, what are you doing?!

Miley: Stay chill, Cat. I'm a friend of your boyfriend.

Cat: Umm... ok....

Miley: K Jess. See ya around.

Me: Byeee...

Cat grabs my arm and drags me to the stairs to the secret place.

Cat: Why are you talking to Cyrus?!

Me: She talked to me! I couldn't ignore her!

Cat: Fine. Let's go.

We're going to our secret place which we decided to call "Freedom". I walk in the first one and Cat was behind me.

Justin: Heeeey Jess! I missed you.

Me: I missed you too...

Justin takes me to a corner.

Justin: Look Jess, i wanted to ask you something important for me...

Me: Tell me Justin.

Justin: I.. umm.. do you want to come with me at this party on friday? I mean, as my partener?

Me: Justin, i....

What am I going to tell him?!

Me: .... would love to go with you!

I jumped on him and hugged him. He looked so happy and i was also happy. He took my hand in his.

Justin: Ok then. But um... i lost my phone number *laughs* can I have yours?

I hit his arm sarcasticaly.

Me: Don't you use pick up lines with me!

We laugh.

Justin: Haha i'm sorry.

I hug Justin. I wishper to him "I needed this... i needed you... where have you been all my life?". He pulls away from the hug, takes my hands and wishpers back "I was right here. Waiting for you, for my one girl".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2013 ⏰

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