The END!!!

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Leonard woke up when the alarm went off, and groaned as he rolled over. He expected Spock to get it, as he usually did, but when the alarm continued on, he rolled back over to see an empty space beside him. He frowned as he punched the alarm off, and got out of bed. He tried searching for a note, but there was nothing. Leonard sighed and went to take a shower.

Spock couldn't have had a change of heart... right? Vulcans didn't usually do that sort of thing... But then, Spock was also half-human. Humans often did that sort of thing. But Leonard was feeling perfectly fine about it! Sure he was freaked out that he just had sex with a man- willingly!- and enjoyed it immensely, but he was still fine with their situation. Maybe Spock was regretting it.

Leonard was putting his pants on, then froze. What if it's because he made Spock be on bottom? What if the Vulcan took offense to that? He shook his head, and finished getting ready. It couldn't have been that. Spock did it willingly... or at least, that's what Leonard tried to convince himself of. Once he was all ready, he made the bed and left the room. Work could distract him.


After a busy day at work, and only being able to fit his meals in while still in the sickbay, Leonard trudged to Spock's quarters and instinctively let himself in. He expected the Vulcan to be there already, either meditating or working like usual, but the it was empty. He frowned. He had the right place, right?

Obviously. There were Vulcan mementos everywhere. But then, where was Spock, damn it?! Leonard knew that Spock wasn't in danger, so he wasn't TOO worried... But he was still panicking. What should he do? There's no way he'd find him if he tried looking- the ship was far too big. Should he try anyway?

Leonard bit his lip. Maybe Spock was just working late. So he should be returning soon. So Leonard should just wait there for him to come back. He looked around for something to make it so he didn't freak out. Too bad the damn Vulcan didn't have any alcohol stashed somewhere. But given the circumstances, Leonard didn't really trust himself enough to start drinking.

Then he thought of something- maybe he could meditate! He wasn't really into any of that voodoo crap, but if it helped the Vulcans out of their savage ways, maybe it could help Leonard to stop freaking out! He sat down on the floor, taking up the traditional meditative position that he'd seen Spock do before, and took a deep breath.

'Clear your mind, Leonard.' He spoke to himself, trying to only focus on the darkness behind his eyelids. He took deep breaths, and kept telling himself to be calm. It was kind of working, for a while, until someone walked through the door. His eyes snapped open to see Spock eyeing him.

"What is it that are you doing, ashayam?" Spock asked, raising an amused eyebrow. Leonard breathed out in relief.

"I was trying to meditate!" He retorted, glaring up at Spock. "I thought that you regretted what happened last night, so I was panicking when I didn't see you here after work. I thought that meditating might help, but you walked in before I really got anywhere." Spock sat across from him as he finished speaking.

"It was illogical of you to assume that I had regretted our relations of last night." Spock said simply, making Leonard glare again.

"Sorry if I got worried, you ass." Leonard grumbled, sitting up straighter and crossing his arms in defiance. The corner of Spock's mouth twitched, making Leonard immediately grin.

"You were about to smile there, right?" He taunted, but Spock's face was back to being emotionless.

"It is tempting to do so when you are being amusing." Spock replied with another brief eyebrow raise. "However, referring back to the original topic, I still only have love for you, ashayam." He said seriously, making Leonard raise his own eyebrows.

"Love? Me? You do?" He asked, feeling panicked again. "When did love ever come into the equation? I was just in it for the sex!" Spock only stared at him after that, and they sat there for a while. When Spock shifted his gaze off him, looking irritated, Leonard said quickly, "You know I wouldn't have sex with a man if I didn't actually love him!" Spock looked back at him again, and he stammered. "Uh, I mean, if that's what is... uh... It's not like..."

"Would you like to share quarters with me?" Spock asked quietly, and Leonard nodded.

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot. I mean, we gotta start living together eventually, right?" Leonard said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. Spock nodded.

"I expect that you will be completely exclusive to me now, without staring at women as they pass." Spock said seriously, and Leonard nodded at him.

"Of course. You just gotta... Show me how." He said, looking into the Vulcan's deep brown eyes.

"How...?" Spock said, not catching his meaning.

"How to love you..." Leonard smiled ever so slightly. "You have to show me how to love you. Because until then, I won't know how to do any of this."

"Of course, ashayam. I will show you." Spock answered, and he leaned in to kiss him. There would be no more doubts between them. They were one.

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