Flashbacks and Circles

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ok first off


*Two weeks later*

Kellin's Pov

I slammed the door shut and threw my backpack on my bed. School gets more boring by the week. I plopped down and sighed while looking at my ceiling. It had been two weeks since I promised Vic that I wouldn't let Oli hurt him. But to be honest, I'm a weak person myself. The advantage of getting to be on the football team is a perk, but in reality, anyone could dominate me. Sure, I could pack a punch, but based off of how Oli left Vic a couple weeks ago, I don't think I'd ever be able to win up against Oli in anything. Actually I know I couldn't. Oliver is the violent type, and unfortunately, I've learned the hard way.
In that moment, I couldn't help but reminense.

When I was in a relationship with Oliver, everything seemed perfect. He has asked me out in the most sweetest manner ever. At that point of my life, everything was on cloud nine. I had good grades, I went out all the time, and I had an adorable British boyfriend. As for all that going out, Oli began to tag a long with me. We'd go on dates to the amusement parks in town, go to the zoo, and mostly, go to bars and parties. I wasn't the type to drink a lot which is startling because my stomach holds lots of alcohol well. Oliver on the other hand, drank every time we went out. Every once in a while, he'd yell at me, but I knew he didn't mean what he said due to the fact that he was drunk; or so I'd tell myself that. Oli would come home constantly and give me shit while he was sober. It wasn't until one night that everything changed.

I was on my laptop studying in my room doing homework. My mom had gone out by herself since my dad left us when I was younger. Oliver barged in through my door, having access since my mom gave him a key.


"He-" was all I managed to get out before Oli stormed towards me and grabbed my laptop. He shut it closed and spun my chair around.

"Shut the fuck up Kellin" he snapped while picking me up and flinging me onto my bed.
He began unbuttoning his jeans and pressed his lips roughly against my jawline. His jeans slipped of effortlessly and eventually he tore both his shirt and mine as well. My senses snapped to reality and my eyes widened as the reality of what was going on hit me harder than brick.

"Oli, please stop. I'm not in the mood." I begged. He stoppled all movement immediately. His eyes stared into mine with lust and anger. In a matter of seconds, I felt a sharp stinging sensation go through my face as Oli's hand slapped my cheek.

"I don't believe I asked." He seethed through his accent. I couldn't react afterwards and was left speechless. I felt his hands travel down my body as he continued kissing me. Tears slowly began trickling down my face as I felt him palming me. He continued to slap me if I objected and eventually he got out duct tape and secured my hands forcefully. I began struggling more but my screams were muffled by the tape that was now around my mouth. He shoved me and flipped me so I was now bent over. Without warning, I felt the sharp pain as he slammed into me. I yelped in pain, which was no help due to the fact that I had tape on my mouth. The whole experience hurt like hell. This wasn't the way I planned to loose my virginity. At that time I convinced myself I would never be gay again.

After he finished pleasuring himself, he ripped the tape of of my mouth.

"Fuck you" I spat, trying my hardest not to cry.

"Funny, 'cause I think you just did." He replied. With that, Oli grabbed his clothes and shut the door behind him as he left.
I stared at the door for about ten minutes. I untangled myself from all the tape and then got up to go to the bathroom. I washed my hands and my face then looked up at my reflection, hating it more and more. I had been sexually abused by my own boyfriend. I walked back to my bedroom and cracked. I grabbed my clothes and threw it everywhere, making sure to knock down picture frames and my mirror while I did it. I was furious, how could he just use me like that? Sure he was drunk and won't remember he did anything, but that didn't stop me from raging out. I crashed down on my bed and put my head in my hands. After that, I just cried and cried. I cried until I was choking and couldn't breathe anymore. My breathing became uneven and I had a panic attack. I looked at the broken glass all over the floor from my mirror. I picked up one of the sharpest pieces and began to tear at myself. I kept doing it until my tears and blurry vision was replaced with everything fading to black.

The next day was the day I found myself in the hospital for a suicide attempt.


I shuddered at the flashback of that night. And that's why since then, I've built high walls about saying guys, let alone considering myself gay. Oliver hurt me; and now he hurt Vic. That's when I realized I had to step my game up. I'm not going to just let Oli go around and hurt guys. I had to protect both Vic and I.

I turned over to look at my clock. It was around 4:30pm. I decided to call Vic. He answered after about two rings.

"Hello?" He questioned. God his voice was fucking adorable.

"Uh hey-V-Vic...?" I stuttered.

"Yeah Kellybear?"

I could almost feel him smiling on the other side of the line. I blushed at the pet name and softly bit down on my lip.

"Do you-umm-.. wanna like..maybe go out later..t-t-today?" I managed to get out.

"Nervous much?" He laughed.

"Shut u-"

"Make me." He insisted. I bit on my lip even harder then sighed.

"Yes or no loser? Be glad I'm even asking."

"Sure, why not?" He answered.

"How does me picking you up ay around 7 later tonight sound?"

"Perfect Kells." I blushed at that pet name even more.

"Alright, see ya later."


And with that, I hung up the call. I glanced at the clock. 5:26. Better start getting ready.

I was going on a date with Vic Fuentes.

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