Carry On Simon Snow

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I never knew I would fall in love with my worst enemy but I did. But maybe I should start from the beginning.

I was an orphan, sitting alone in my bed for what seemed like hours staring at my dusty old pillow. Suddenly three giggling girls, Anne , Raina and Suzanne ran in carrying something that I couldn't see. As always I couldn't care less what the triplets did but, soon, at dinner in a dull broken dining room, every time they looked at me they burst into a fit of laughter. I had to know what they were laughing at so after curfew I silently went over to their desk and open up the drawers until I found it. A letter. To me. You might think "well so what its a letter" but I never get letters like EVER so I opened it. And...... Empty. "dang it" I whispered and crept back to my bed. I flumped down sighing. Maybe I could find out after bed.


When I woke up there they were again huddled around there bed laughing there heads off. "That's it" I thought "Enough is enough" I was just about to go up to them when a woman's voice called "girls come someones here for you!" They dropped the letter and ran down stairs. "Finally" I said, walking over to there bed. I started to walk over then started to have second thoughts about it. What if it was a prank and they planned this? And as soon as I went over to it ,it exploded? Maybe it was a picture of me doing something stupid. Obviously id be worried about what they'd done with this, so as soon as I got to it I grabbed it and threw it to my bed hoping it wouldn't explode. It didn't I walked over to it feeling quite stupid for freaking out like that. "Hey stop bumping you don't want me to come up there Snow!!!!" Mrs. Durnun screamed up the stairs  I sighed. "I know!" I yelled back "Don't you use that tone with me Simon snow!" I heard her storming up the stairs. THUMP.THUMP.THUMP. I jumped up from my bed to block the door but I was to late her foot stopped the door I was seconds from closing. She opened it and walked right in. "Now I thought we had a little talk about this you said you'd be good" she said smiling evilly. "And I thought you said you lost wait. People lie" I retorted back glaring up at her ugly face. "You'll wish you were never even born for saying that" she said lunging at me. I jumped out of the way letting her fall on the ground and ran out. Down the hall I ran going down stairs until I was at the main lobby. The triplets were sitting there talking to a young couple obviously they were getting adopted "YESSS!!!!!!!!" I screamed in my head finally! they were gone! "Cant get off track" I thought hearing Mrs.Durnun's heavy foot steps coming down the hall. I sprinted out the door never to come back.

Carry On Simon SnowWhere stories live. Discover now