Addicted to the bad boy

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Hey guys! This is just an introduction, I'm going to describe the characters and blah blah blah

Hey guys! This is just an introduction, I'm going to describe the characters and blah blah blah

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Emma (Main girl):

Age- 17

Eyes- light blue, long eyelashes

Hair- Brown, waist length, thick

Body- 5"4, tan, faint 4 pack

Body- 5"4, tan, faint 4 pack

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Blake(Main boy):

Leader of a gang

Age- 18

Hair- Dark brown, thick

Eyes- Emerald green

Body- 6''4, 8 pack, tan



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Kourtney(Emma's best friend):

Age- 17

Hair- Brown, butt length, thin

Eyes- light green. long eyelashes

Body- 5''4, skinny, light/tan



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Cole(Blake's best friend):
In Blake's gang
Age- 18

Hair- light brown, thick

Eyes- Baby blue

Body- 6''3, 6 pack, tan

Body- 6''3, 6 pack, tan---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Ace(Friend of the boys and Delilah's boyfriend):
In Blake's gang
Age- 17

Hair-Blonde, thick

Eyes- Brown

Body- 6''2, six pack, light/tan



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Delilah(Ace's girlfriend/ friend of girls:
In Blake's gang
Age- 17

Hair- Black, waist length, thick

Eyes-Blue, long eyelashes

Body- 5''3, skinny, tan


And let the drama begin ; )

Addicted to the bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now