Ch3: Hawkward...

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Crystal's POV

I slowly woke to find myself in an interrogation room. Well, shit. My hands were in strong cuffs which surprisingly, I couldn't brake. I attempted to stand and then realised, my prosthetics were gone. One does not simply take away a girls legs! I noticed my hood and beanie was still on so they still had no clue of who I was and don't have HICS. "HICS, what is my location?" I muttered "You are in the interrogation room on the forth floor, south side of Avenger Tower, Ma'am." She answered me. "Switch off the camera system for this room and get me the audio feed of the Avengers location." "Yes Miss Morris." I programmed her to call me by my mother's name. The camera in the corner of the room's plinking red light stopped and I began to hear the avengers speaking in what seamed to be the lab.

"So what are we going to do about this girl?" Asked Agent Barton. They seemed to have been discussing this for some time now. "One of us has too interrogate her while we wait for the DNA scan to complete." I'm guessing that was Dr Banner. If there was one person I had to trust here, it would be him. He was in the same situation as I am. When he mentioned the DNA scan I froze. They will find out I'm his daughter! "Hey how old do you think she is anyway?" Fuck, I didn't mortaly wound him I thought as Stark began to speak. "She must be experienced and her leg injuries could be from a previous fight so I'd say over 20." Cap mused and I couldn't help but laugh at how wrong he was. "Well I'm going to find out, come on Steve." Spoke the only female voice which I think was Romanoff's. "Wait, Who turned the camera off?!" exclaimed Stark and I heard people running to the interrogation room. Capsical and the red head burst through and looked surprised that I wasn't gone.

"You turned off the camera but didn't run? Why?" asked Steve confused. "Firstly, I cant run, YOU STOLE MY LEGS! Secondly, a girl likes her privacy." Steve looked guilty with the leg thing but Romanoff wasn't fazed. They sat in the seats in front of me and stared at me. I simply stared back. Gingie was the first to speak, "Who are you?" There was a pause before I did my best Darth Vader impression, "I am your Father." I faintly heard Spangles mutter, "I get that reference." but Nat didn't seem impressed. "What do you know of HYDRA?" was her next question. My hand clenched and my eyes flashed blue for a millisecond. "They are an organisation of asshats." I answered plainly. The two Avengers looked at each other and it was the Captains turn to ask, "What did HYDRA do to you? We know you were Experiment 32, the one that disappeared." When I heard my old name I growled and attempted to stand up. "DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT AGAI-" I was cut off as I fell to the floor. Like I said, Attempted.

I heard the distant laughing of a certain billionaire douchebag. "SHUT UP STARK OR I WILL CRAWL DOWN THERE AND BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!!" The laughter stopped and I tried to get back onto the seat. Steve offered to help but I declined. I hate pity. I got back on the chair and it was silent until Cap broke it. "You said Stark ruined your life... What did you mean by that?" I didn't say anything. They would find out when the DNA scan was done so I decided to be vague. "You'll find out soon enough. The real question is why am I here? That agent guy from yesterday was just a job, nothing personal so can't I go?" I have jobs to do and I need money. Swarma doesn't buy itself people! "S.H.I.E.L.D. have been trying to find out more about HYDRA and seeing as you escaped, we want to know if you're an ally or a threat." "Well, I'm not a threat but I trust S.H.I.E.L.D. almost as much as I like Stark. How do I know you won't experiment on me as well?" I snarled at the two. At that moment, King of the Assholes burst through the door exhausted. "Because... I won't... let them..." he panted. I laughed like a psyco, "And why do you think I'd trust you?! You're the reason I was there in the first place!" My eyes turned blue and my pupils to slits. Calm down Cris or you'll turn!

"Stark, What's going on?" asked Steve, completely clueless. "The DNA scan came back and I know who she is... I've been searching for her for 15 years." "LIES! YOU NEVER CARED!" I screamed at him, my claws dug into my hands. "Who is she?" Natasha questioned Stark, keeping her eyes on me. "Crystal Antonia Morris-Stark... My daughter..." Everyone sat there in a Hawkward silence. Get it?... Bad time?... okay. "Please take your hood off, I want to see your face." he asked me quietly. I sighed as my eyes turned back into the brown ones that resembled the man in front of me. There was no point in hiding anymore. They know my name, they know I'm a Stark, they know about HYDRA, they know everything. I slowly lowered my hood (keeping my beanie on though) and looked up at my fathers face. Why are his eyeballs sweating?! Eww! Romanoff and Rodgers decided to give us some privacy, even though I knew they'd be watching through the one way window.

My father sat across from me, taking in my appearance. After a long silence, he was the first to speak. "You look a lot like your mother. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever met and the kindest." I scoffed at this, "Then why did you leave her? I saw the footage, I know what you said. You didn't give a shit." "As soon as I did what I did, I wanted her back but I couldn't find her. It was the biggest mistake I have ever made and I have made a lot." His voice cracked. Oh wait, they aren't sweating, they're crying... still eww. "Sorry doesn't cut it. Everything that has happened to me is because of you. HYDRA only got me because Mom took an overdose, She only committed suicide because I turned out like THIS!" I refer to my legs, "I'm like this because she became drank and took drugs to stop the pain that you put her through! Everything leads back you YOU!"

His face was pale as my eyes watered up. Don't cry now Cris, you can't show weakness! "Crystal, I said some things I shouldn't have sai-" "YOU TOLD HER TO HAVE AN ABORTION!!! YOU ENDED IT WHEN SHE REFUSED TO DO SOMETHING NO MOTHER SHOULD HAVE TO DO!!!" My eyes were piercing blue and the pupils turned to slits. His eyes widened as he looked into my own. "What did they do to you?" He asked in barely a whisper. They know everything else so there is no more reason to hide. I glanced at the one sided mirror, I smelt six different people standing there. Looking at my so called father, I removed my beanie and my tail came out my shorts. I heard a collection of gasps, inside and outside the room. "They made me a monster, that's what."

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