herobrine 3

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Hero pov

I tp to the village looking for End she left and didn't come back I get my sword and look around after awhile I see bandits taking her away I must help her when I get there they just look at me then back to her one vomes to fight me I throw a potion of sleeping on them she got some on her.

When we get home she looks at me just stares fighting back tears she tells me to leave what did the bandits do as I walk out I hear her crying not from saddness but from pain I run to her and see the bandits turn into Steve and Notch.

Oh fuck what did they tell her. There gonna kill her. "Whst the hell Notch...Steve?"
"She can't love you."
"What I figured that out."
"She does."
"What now I'm confused even more."
"The problem is she can't love you."
"Why would she."
"Shut up steve."
"It was a question."

"I can love who I love that him."
"No you..."
*punches them 15 times each*
"Can it I can and will I know he put me in minecraft and I know I can die."
All "Oh ummm."

Your pov

I go to the town and bandits kidnap me I see Hero he attacks the bandits then when we get home I just stare at him its because I his eyes when red like netherack i told him to leave as I pull out the sword in my back in cry tears of pain then the bandits come and tell me I can't love him I fall asleep then awake tho the sound of his voice I respond to what the bandits said.
"I can love who I love that him."
"No you..."
I punch them each 15 times each.
"Can it I can and will I know he put me in minecraft l know I can die."
"Oh um."
"Fuck it I'm going back to the village for the night."

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