Later that day, both Zoey and Chase received a call from Lola who invited them to have a nice dinner on a near by Park. They both agreed and began putting everything that they needed together. Zoey changed Mason as Chase changed Brigit. They all got on Zoey's car, but for some weird reason the car wouldn't start, so Chase offered to go on his car. He adjusted the baby carrier and the car seat for Brigit, and they all drove off to meet the gang.
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When they got there, they notice that there were chandeliers handing all over the place. As they got out of the car, and admired all the colorful lights they quickly spotted their friends and continued to walk towards them.
"Hey everyone". Zoey and Chase greeted and the rest happily greeted back. Michael looked at his two friends closely and quietly gasped. He then nudged Logan who was next to him and immediately saw what Michael saw. Zoey was holding Brigit's hand and Chase was carrying the baby carrier. The looked like a true family.
"Mommy can I go play at the Park?". Brigit asked her mom.
"Sure, but don't go far, okay?".
"Okay". Brigit replied and left running. Chase and Zoey sat down in between Michael and Lola.
"So, why the gather up?". Chase asked.
"Well, we wanted to have a reunion, now that we have you here, and we also wanted Zoey to distract herself". Quinn said.
"Hey girls, why don't we start serving the guys?". Lisa suggested at the distance. The girls nodded and stood up.
Zoey turned to Chase.
"Chase, can you keep an eye on Mason for me?".
"Of course". Zoey smiled and left towards the girls, leaving the guys alone.
"So have you told Zoey that your the richest man alive?". Michael joked as he and the others turned to see Chase.
"I'm not the richest man alive Michael and yes I had too tell her because that over there, couldn't stick with the plan". Chase said as he gave Logan an annoyed look.
"You couldn't have hid this from Zoey, so you should be thanking me for doing you the favor". Logan replied.
Just then baby Mason started to wake up, and Chase looked down at him. For the first time ever, Chase looked into the babies eyes, and noticed that he had small clear green eyes. He smiled and picked him out of the baby carrier.
"Hey, Chase. Have you ever thought of getting married?". Michael asked.
"Right now, because I been busy with work, I haven't even thought about marriage, but that's definitely something in my to-do list". Chase said, grabbing baby Mason's small hand.
"Well, I bet you'll be a good parent. Look at you with Mason". Vince replied, and receive a smile from Chase.
"But don't rush into marriage and into having kids". Logan commented.
Michael slapped Logan's arm.
"Logan stop being so negative".
"Don't worry Michael, what Logan says doesn't affect my future decisions. I'm going to go at my own pace". Chase replied.
Conversation with the girls
"So Chase is going to be your lawyer?". Lola asked excitedly.
"Yeah". Zoey replied as she placed some smoked chicken and some white rice on a plate.
"Well, knowing Chase, we're sure he's going to do everything that's on his hands to win". Quinn stated as she served some drinks.
"So, Zoey. How are you feeling?". Lisa asked.
"I'm doing well I guess. With Chase by my side, I feel much better".
The girls eyed each other and smirked.
"I wonder why Chase isn't married yet. Look at him, he'll make a great daddy". Lisa commented and everyone looked at where the guy's were sitting. They saw Chase doing pika-boo and baby Mason giving a funny laugh. Logan, Michael and Vince, who were laughing so hard, asked Chase to do it again, so he did as he was told and Baby Mason laughed again
They girls looked at each other and laugh along with them.
"He's so great with kids". Lola smiled and the girls nodded in agreement.
"Well, we better start eating before our food gets cold". Lisa suggested as she grabbed Michael and her plates. They all went to where the guys were and sat next to their husbands. Zoey sat next to Chase and placed his plate in front of him.
"Thanks Zoey". Chase said.
"Your welcome. Here let me carry Mason, so you can start eating". Zoey said as he took the baby from Chase and he and the rest of the Guys began eating.
"Michael, Lisa told me that your going to be having a concert, here in town this Friday night". Lola commented.
"Oh yes, I am, and your all invited. It's going to be my last performance before I take a small vacation". Michael replied talking a bite of chicken.
"What do you mean by invited? Are we invited to watch you with or without charge?". Logan asked.
"Without charge Logan". Michael replied rolling his eyes and everyone smiled.
"Chase, Zoey told us that your going to be taking care of her case". Quinn said.
Chase stopped drinking his his drink.
"Yeah. Zoey's last lawyer send me some information that he had gathered. I'm going to review some of it later tonight and early tomorrow morning, I'm going to court to work on some details". Chase explained.
"Well good luck tomorrow". Quinn said.
"Thanks Quinn".
"Guys, I really appreciate you guys being with me through this situation". Zoey gratefully thanked.
"We're your friends and we'll always going to be here for you Zoey". Lola sincerely said as they continue eating. They all talked for a couple of hours, until they all decided it was time to go and parted their own separasmiledys. Chase once again helped Zoey carry Brigit up to her room as she carried Mason to his crib. They both said their goodnight's and Chase returned down stairs where he sat on the couch, grabbed his computer and started revising the evidence that Zoey's lawyer had sent him.