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Pinkie Pie calls up her sister Maud. "Hey this is Pinkie. We have a body." Maud gasps. "I will their in 10 minutes." Maud meets Pinkie. Pinkie's hair has fallen down flat. They smile and start dancing and singing. "Chainsaw, chainsaw drown him in a lake. Let's grab Discord and make a cupcake." Pinkie opens the door to her basement to grab Discord. Gummy was standing there but no Discord. Pinkamena looks at Gummy. "Gummy, where's Discord?" Gummy opens his mouth wide. "Oh you ate him. Good Gummy." She picks up Gummy and gives him a hug. Pinkie turns back to her normal self. Maud hugs Pinkie. "I got to go. Boulder wants to sleep at the farm. Bye." Maud walks out the door and back to the farm.

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