Love You To Death.

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Dean and Tristan have been officially a couple for three years. All though they had to conquer many problems at the end they had found to love each other once again. There was only one problem– in the past weeks Dean had received threat letters from an anonymous figure. He did not wanted to worry Tristan so he did not tell him of it, instead he kept it as a secret, even if he knew that would end in chaos but to protect the person he loved– he would do anything. Recently the palace had recruited a new maid who seemed a bit..mysterious. Nobody really knew about her or from where she came from, she was just there.

It was a bright and beautiful spring day in Illéa and everything was calm– for now at least. Dean had gotten up as usually and was about to roll over to give his lover a morning kiss but he wasn't there. The prince was confused and slowly looked around the room. Where is he? He asked himself until his eyes had spotted a note. Another one. He let out a sigh and picked it up reading over the note. But it wasn't the same as the other ones he had received. His eyes widen as he went over the words that letter contained.

Dear Prince Dean,
You don't know who I am but I know who you are. You have ignored my threats which was a huge mistake darling. As punishment I have taken your dear Tristan– must feel horrible having something taken away from you, doesn't it? You have forty-eight hours to find out either who I am or to find him. Hurry before I'll have to hurt him.
- S

Dean clenched his fist tightly as he started to fill with anger. Nobody was going to take anything away from him, Nobody. He quickly had gotten up to inform his other guards and siblings. Soon worry filled the whole palace. It only took a couple hours for the entire country of Illéa to find out what had happened. Every provident had started to look for the beloved Tristan.

As Dean went over the letter in his office he went into deep thoughts. Who is S? That was a mystery that had to be solved as soon as possible, but how? That's when he had come up with a plan. Soon he had ordered to have ten selected of the selection to be brought to the palace. Those were the most trusted people in Illéa with special abilities. Two of them would already have been in the palace since they had married his other brothers. The eight females soon had arrived at the palace already knowing what they had to do. Find Tristan.

This was a hard task since they only had little time left. One of the former selected went over the note and had come with a conclusion. Who ever had taken Tristan must be here and so would he be. It was obvious that it had to be someone with easy access to the royals. Soon the entire palace was being investigated, even the most forbidden rooms.

Dean was walking down the halls of the basement looking around slowly. That's when he heard a faint voice, it was signing the song A thousand miles. A bright smile crossed his face knowing exactly who it was. "Tristan!" He called out. "Dean." The faint voice called out for him. It was defiantly him. Dean quickly opened every old door until he had found the one he was looking for. "You always end up saving me don't you?" Tristan said as he had entered to room, he was tied up to a chair and had a couple bruises on him. How dare she. Dean quickly walked over to him and untied him, giving him a passionate kiss after he had done so. "Who else is going to do it?" Dean said in a teasingly tone and hugged Tristan tightly.

"Well, Well. Who do we have here?" Someone said who owned a soft voice. A red headed female was standing by the door with a wickedly smirk. It was the maid. Of course it was the maid, oh how cliché. Dean slowly got up holding Tristan's hand tightly, he wasn't going to let him go. "How could you?.." He was confused on why she had done something like that, the two of them were pretty good friends and he didn't understand why she would do something like that. "Oh please." The maid rolled her eyes and place her hand against her hips and leaned back a bit. "Don't tell me you haven't taken anyone away from someone before." Dean was confused yet again wondering what the hell she was actually talking about. Tristan knew who she was taking about, it was the only person Dean had killed. The Warlock. "I loved him but he only saw me as a toy. You may think I'm crazy but that's what I loved the most about him. But not! He had to come to you! You took him away from me! And then you had to kill him!!!" It was obvious that the female was filled with anger and sadness. Deans eyes widen finally t understanding what she was talking about. He started to tremble remembering what he had done. He never wanted to kill him, but there wasn't a different solution. Till this day the actions he has taken three years ago still haunted him.

She looked down at the ground hiding her face from the two of them. "Now I'm going to get my revenge.." She said mumbling and quickly dashed up to Tristan holding out a dagger, she was going to stab him. Dean's instinct quickly kicked in and used his body to block the weapon from touching Tristan. He has been stabbed.

Tristan gasped and started to tremble, slowly Dean's body fell on top of Tristan. "Dean why?!" He asked wondering why he had to sacrifice himself again for him. "Silly question you dork..because I love you." Dean said giving Tristan his weak goofy smile. "You can't do that.." He said, fighting back tears. "It was going to happen sooner or later..but now I finally was able to proof to you how much I love you." He couldn't hold it back anymore as tears started to roll down Tristan's face. "Don't leave me.." He whispered to him. Weakly Dean moved his hand to wipe away Tristan's tears. "I'll never leave you..I will always be in your heart." Dean could tell that death was near, with all the blood he was loosing there as no way to save him. "Dean..I love you." Tristan said to Dean in a shaky voice. Dean couldn't help but laugh and gently ruffle his hair. "I know..I love you too. I always had." He said, using up his last breath. He was Dead.

Tristan was covered in his lovers pure red blood as he started to cry, more than he had ever cried. He slowly laid Dean on the floor and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Taking the dagger he slowly got up and looked at her with dark cold eyes, "You won't get away with this." The next moment the dagger was in the maids body. Now she was dead too. Oh how relived it felt to had hurt the one who hurt the person you love. Is this how she felt? The maid simply laughed as if she was possessed. Was this her goal? Only a couple seconds passed until she stopped laughing and breathing. She was finally gone. Tristan let the dagger go and walked back to Dean's body and hugged it tightly. "I will never let you go."

It wasn't until a couple minutes where the guards had appeared and the siblings of Dean. The princess' eyes were quickly covered by one of them, this was too horrible for her to see. She knew exactly what had happened and started to sob in the arms of her brother. News of the death spread quickly and depression was unleashed across the country. The funeral had happened the next day and it seemed like all of Illéa was there to see their Prince go on to the after life. People would stay by the grave of Dean for hours until only Tristan was standing there.

"I will join you soon, so that I can love you in the after life as well."

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