Putting the Plan into Motion (part 2)

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Kacey's POV

I woke up to the awful sound of my phone ringing. I rolled over and grabbed it off my nightstand. I didn't even look to see who it was because who else would be calling me besides Elisa? I've been lying in bed the past 2 days, ignoring the outside world completely. I was still very upset at what happened at the bistro 2 nights ago, and I couldn't get it out of my head.

"Kacey! You're alive!" Ugh, the upbeat voice of Elisa was unbearable and I thought about hanging up, but I felt bad since I'd already been ignoring her the past few days.

"Yea, Elise. I'm alive...unfortunately." I rolled my eyes at myself.

"Look, Kacey. Will you come down to the bistro please? The place is empty and I'm so bored. I'll make you a sandwich!" She said eagerly. Hmm. I guess I could go for a sandwich.

"If I come down will you stop badgering me?" I said sounding uninterested.

"Yes!" She quickly replied.

"Fine, have my grilled cheese ready." And with that I hung up. It amused me slightly, but I was still upset.

I wrestled off the blankets and drug my feet to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and pulled my hair into a braid. Wasn't feeling the whole 'effort' thing today. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt with Carrie Underwood's face on it, and my black converse. I made my way downstairs and grabbed my bag and house keys, and started towards the bistro. My stomach grumbled a little, and I patted it softly knowing pretty soon it would be thanking me for the warm grilled cheese sandwich. I smiled a little at my own weirdness and continued to the front door of the bistro. The bell chimed. I found it annoying. God, I was grumpy today. 

"Damn. I've never seen you so low before Kace." My friend pouted at me. I looked at her in disgust and she just nodded towards the back table, and I made my way to my usual seat. I pulled my feet up onto the chair, wrapped my arms around my legs, and stared out the front window. The string on my pants suddenly caught my interest so I played around with it while I waited for my grilled cheese and my best friend. I heard footsteps approaching me, but I didn't look up. Instead I just waited for my plate to be put down in front of me. I wasn't in the mood for one of Elisa's pep talks at the moment. 

Ahem. I heard someone clear their throat and then I heard my name. "Miss Monroe." Oh no...I know that voice anywhere, I thought to myself. The brunette. Wonderful. She was probably coming to scold me for spilling water all over her, maybe even throw some at me for revenge, who knew. I wouldn't blame her though. I slowly lifted my head up to find her gaze, but I couldn't help myself. My eyes took in every perfect curve that stood before me. There she was. Hanging over me in a skin tight yet casual dark black dress with black stilettos. I'm dead. I'm so dead. Why did she have to be so damn perfect? It made it that much harder to not look like a complete idiot. "Miss Monroe." She called, singing my name in annoyance. I finally met her stare, and she looked at me for a second, taking in my facial features I assume. 

"Glad I finally have your attention." She smirked at me. Kacey, just relax. She's a person, you're a person. Calm the fuck down, I mentally screamed at myself. I didn't know what to say, so I sat there waiting for her to continue. 

"Well, someone isn't feeling particularly social, huh?" She cocked an eyebrow. God, she needed to stop doing that. I couldn't handle it. I stayed silent, and she sat down across from me, crossing her right leg over her left and dropping her hands into her lap.

"Okay then. Just listen." Suddenly I grew interested. What did she have to say to me? I'm the one who soaked her in water.

"I have a date tonight." A date? What? Oh, God! She is single! Wait, that doesn't actually mean she's single. She pulled a pen out of her bag, pulling me out of my thoughts in the process, and scribbled something on the placemat in front of her. She pushed the paper towards me. "7 sharp, please." She stood up and gathered her things. 

I stood up from my chair. "Wait, what exactly is it that you want?" I was confused. 

"Well, I thought you would want to make it up to me for soaking me 2 nights ago." I hung my head in embarrassment, and she continued. "Hmm. That's what I thought. I need someone to watch Lizzy. So, Miss Monroe, 7 sharp." 

I picked up the paper off the table, and looked up to see her already halfway out the door. 

"I'm sorry!" I yelled after her. 

She stopped, turned her head over her shoulder and smirked at me. "Then show me." With that she was gone. I sat back down and looked at the paper. It was an address. Her address I guess, and she wanted me to babysit Lizzy. Sure, she could have been nicer about it, and maybe actually asked me instead of telling me that I suddenly had something to do tonight, but if it meant I got a fresh start with her, there's no way I was pass up the opportunity.

I slapped my forehead. "I don't even know her name, and I'm going to babysit for her." I didn't realize I said it out loud, but then I heard Elisa, and I looked up.

She must have been watching the whole thing from behind the counter. "Natalie." She spoke up grinning devilishly. "Her name's Natalie Foster." I looked back down at the address in my hands. Natalie. I thought to myself. Angelic. I looked around to make sure the bistro was empty and did a small but very embarrassing happy dance. I packed up my things and headed for the door. 

"Here's your sandwich." Elisa was standing at the door with a small bag in her hand. "Go get your woman." She winked at me. 

"Thank you, Elisa!" I gave her a small kiss on the cheek, grabbed my sandwich and headed home with the stupidest smile plastered across my face. What was I going to wear? 

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