The Meet (part 2)

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Natalie's POV

"Hey, Lizzy?" I called out to my niece from my study. I immediately heard the soft pitter-patter of Lizzy's feet running down the hallway towards my room. She poked her little head in and smiled sweetly. "Yes, Natty?" Lizzy was my sister, Rose's 6 year old daughter. She was the head of a huge law firm, and was working on a big case which required her to travel London for a short time. I gladly accepted the responsibility of watching Lizzy while she was away. This little girl was my whole world, and I loved her like my own.

She scurried over to me seated at my desk, and I scooped her up into my lap. "Hey, princess!" I rubbed my nose against hers lovingly and she reciprocated the action. "What's up?" She pulled away and tilted her head in the most adorable way possible. 

"Well, my dear, I was wondering if you'd like to go grab lunch from the little bistro down the street and then we could come back here and snuggle up to a movie together. How's that sound, love?" I smiled at her. She responded by snaking her arms around my neck and pulling me into one of her warm hugs. "Oh, can we please, Natty? They have the best hot chocolate!" She was excited now which made me smile in return. 

"Absolutely, my dear. Go get your shoes on and we'll head out. Okay?" I gently released my hold on her as she nodded and scurried away into her room. I walked into my bathroom, touched up my make-up and we headed out the door.



I walked into the small bistro with Lizzy in my arms. It was pretty much empty except for two girls who were seated at a table in the back corner. One of the girls, Elisa, who worked here, came running and greeted us at the counter with a genuine smile. The other girl stayed glued to her laptop not stopping to look up, but I brushed it off. I held up my finger to the woman behind the counter and turned my attention to Lizzy. 

"Why don't you go sit down while I order the food, okay?" She nodded and smiled, so I put her down and she walked off to the nearest booth. I turned my attention back to the waitress and gave her my order, not forgetting about Lizzy's hot chocolate. "No problem, Ms. Foster! I'll be right back." Elisa smiled and turned to go but looked back towards the girl seated at the corner table. Something cause the young waitress to laugh and then she walked into the back room. I turned my head to see what she laughed at, and there was Lizzy! She was sitting in that girl's lap! Did she know her? She couldn't have! I didn't even know her, but why was she holding my Lizzy? I scampered over to Lizzy and the strange blonde.

"Oh my goodness, Lizzy! What on earth are you doing?" I exclaimed as I scooped Lizzy up off the young girl. In the process of taking back my niece I briefly brushed up against the girl's arm. Usually I would think nothing of it, but there was something there. I wasn't sure what but it was something nonetheless. Well, it seems this young stranger noticed too, because she was looking at the same spot that my hand had made contact with her arm. As she stared at her arm, I held Lizzy in mine and stared at the young girl seated before me. I took all of her in. She was pretty. I wondered her age and I wondered why I hadn't seen her in here before. She must have known Elisa though, they seemed to be having a friendly conversation before Lizzy and I stepped in. With that, the young girl looked up and met my intense stare. Her eyes only lingered for a second and then they moved along my body checking me out I assume. She was interested. I could tell by her face. This caused a slight smirk to form on across my lips. She wanted me. I knew it right there. Reading people was my super power. But I was Natalie Foster. I didn't chase after young girls, I made them chase me.

After a few attempts of trying to get her attention she finally came out of her daze and stopped eyeing up my body, which I must say I was quite proud of, and also flattered that she took the time to notice. After all I worked hard to keep myself physically fit. I tried again. "Excuse me? Miss, are you alright?" I cocked an eyebrow in concern and looked at her deep blue eyes. She briefly looked away as if she was trying to learn how to speak again. 

"Yes, sorry I got distracted there for a second. My apologies." She said, still seeming dazed. I pursed my lips and redirected my gaze to Lizzy. "Now, Lizzy, you know it isn't polite to go poking your nose around, princess!" I tried to be stern with Lizzy, but God you couldn't get mad at the little girl. She was too cute to be angry with.

Lizzy surprised me and blurted out, "Oh, relax. I was helping her find a job!" This little girl was her mother without a doubt. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that the blonde seemed just as shocked as I did. She looked cute shocked. Then it was the blonde's turn to shock me. I wasn't really expecting her to say anything more. She intrigued me though, I'll admit that. 

"Oh, it's quite alright actually, she wasn't bothering me. She was indeed helping me find a job." Her comment caused me to laugh and another smirk found its way across my lips. "She's quite the young lady you have there." She continued. 

"Oh yes. She's just like her mother." I turned back to the smiling Lizzy in my arms. "Nosy, just like her mamma." I said, tapping her little nose with my finger and receiving a giggle in return. 

I turned back to the intriguing blonde seated at the table and she seemed deep in thought. I broke her train of thought and spoke up with a smile turning up the corner of my lips. "Well, I must say I'm surprised. Lizzy doesn't usually take to strangers, but I guess you must be different." The blonde started to turn a light shade of red at my comment. She suddenly found interest in the floor probably hoping that I didn't notice her blushing, but I did, and I was enjoying the effect I had on the young girl. I pushed further, "It seems you two have already been acquainted. Your name?" 

It took her a short time to reply. You would think your own name would come easy to you, but by the looks of it she temporarily forgot. Did I cause that? Hmm. Interesting, she could be fun. I smirked at my evil thoughts.

"Kacey. Kacey Monroe." She finally blurted out, breaking my thoughts of what I would do to her should I ever have her alone. She held up her hand, I assume waiting for a handshake, but I didn't respond. I knew what I was doing. I knew exactly what I was doing, and exactly how this made her feel. I was placing her right where I wanted her to be, and she would soon follow what I wanted without even realizing. I nodded to her and turned back to Lizzy. 

Following my plan I turned to leave, and any second now she should speak up and try to stop- "I didn't catch your name!" She yelled as I was halfway to the door. I smiled evilly to myself, knowing my plan was working and that soon this girl would be a part of my life, before turning back over my shoulder. 

I pursed my lips at her and replied, "That's because I didn't give it." I sent her a seductive wink and continued on my way out. 

Now if I knew what I was doing, tomorrow she'd back at this exact time and would be waiting eagerly for me. I had that effect on women. I knew it and was awfully proud of it. After years of practice, I had perfected the way to get a girl to chase after me, but only if I wanted it. As for Kacey, she was different, and I indeed wanted her, and I would have her.

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