Chapter 07

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"Marie would you come back in here." Her Father said kindly. Marie quietly made her way to her favorite chair and sat down. "After much discussion, I think that your Mother and I have come to a conclusion. We will allow you to go. You have to stay at your Mother's Aunt and Uncle's through, and you aren't going to go out at night, unless you are invited somewhere."

 "Thank you so much." She said smiling. The plan was now set in motion.

The week went by slowly much to Marie's disappointment and finally she was one her way to London. It was a half a day’s journey by carriage so she made sure to bring things to read, but she could hardly keep her mind to focus. She finally gave up all thought of reading and looked out on the countryside. She admired the beauty. She had never really traveled. She had only been in London once, when she was little with her parents. She was thinking about what lay ahead of her. She was a little frightened of the men that Thomas mentioned in the letter, since they had killed so many. She looked forward to meeting Inspector Candid again, she smiled. He would so surprise to see that Thomas and she were involved in yet another case of his. But hopefully this would solve both those cases. Before she knew it they came into the outskirts of town.

Her Aunt and Uncle lived in the middle of town which was nice for her since the flat was right around the corner. She was could walk there.

The sun was just setting by the time she made it to her Aunt and Uncle's house. It was a simple house but it was nice. The outside was red brick with white edges. She went inside to an entry way and was directed to a beautiful drawing room. There was a high white ceiling and the walls were a rich green color. There were very tasteful pictures on the wall and a bookcase filled with hundreds of books. Marie started to look at them when her Aunt and Uncle came in. They were very glad to see Marie. It had been 3 years since their last visit to the farm. Supper was ready soon after Marie arrived. It was a very nice supper of chicken and rice. Soon after they went back into the drawing room and began to talk some more.

"I plan to visit an old friend tomorrow and go to the police station, if it's alright." Marie said quietly.

"Yes, your Mother has told us the reason for your visit. I don't know about letting you go alone. Especially in a place that you have only been once before."

"I appreciate your concern, but I think I need to do this on my own."

"Very well, just be careful Marie."

"Thank you. I will," Marie said smiling.

Marie excused herself saying that she was tired. Marie went to her room and re-read the letters again. She barely got any sleep that night. She kept thinking about how a man, that seemed like a ghost to her, lived just around the corner and was an actually person in the world. He had friends and family. She found that hard to contemplate. She also thought how the case that had left a hole in her heart was about to be solved.

She got up early the next morning quickly dressed and headed out, as she headed out the front door she happened to see a letter with her name on it she grabbed it and opened it hurriedly.

Dear Marie,

I'm glad to see that you are in London. I hope that you have no problem getting into my flat. My landlord, Mr. Peterson may look like a rough person, but he has a kind heart. The piece of paper you are looking for is in a book with a newspaper clippings in it, Sherlock Holmes stories. There is also my journal on the table next to the chair and you are more than welcome to read it. To get a background of the life I lead now. Thank you very much for your assistance Marie.



Marie folded the letter and put it in her purse. She started to make her way to the flat. She knocked twice and quietly waited. A ruff looking man with kind eyes answered the door.

"Hello I am Marie Lancon, an old friend of Thomas Wycliff." Marie said kindly.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Peterson. I'm the landlord, I'm sorry to tell you he's been missing for 2 weeks now. I'm afraid the police have given up hope."

The Landlord spoke very kindly which was the opposite of what Marie thought he was going to be like.

"I know he's been missing and I've come to help. I was hoping that you would be able to let me have a look at his flat to see if I can't find something."

"I'm not aloud." He said, but then he continued "but I will let you since you seem like the last hope that poor chap has. But as long as you keep it a secret between you and me" he said with a wink.

He let her into the flat. The flat looked as if someone hadn't lived there in two years instead of two weeks. The walls were a pale white and the place looked sad. Marie began carefully going through each detail and searching each bookshelf. There were many bookshelves in the flat, so it took a while to find the book. After looking through all the bookshelves she was still unable to locate the book. She went into Fred's room and began to search, there wasn't much left in his room, except for a bed, a dresser, and a wardrobe. She opened the dresser and found some more books. She uncovered them and finally after much searching she was able to locate the book. She began to flip through the book and a piece of paper fell out. She picked it up and it was the note Thomas had talk about.

She quickly gathered the book and the journal and headed out of the flat, she hauled a cabby and directed him to take her to the police station. The carriage made its way through London as Marie looked at the letter. She was nervous to see the inspector again, and she hoped that he would be able to help her.

The cabby stopped and Marie stepped out. Scotland Yard was a tall brick three story building. Marie quickly went inside and went up to the front desk and requested that she speak to Inspector Candid. He was in a meeting, but Marie was willing to wait. She seated herself in one of the many waiting chairs and began to look through Thomas journal:

Day One:

First day in London. It’s so much different than I thought it would be. I heard that it’s good to keep journal, especially if you’re a journalist.

It’s been a year since the fire, yet it still seems like yesterday. I still remember her eyes. Those eyes that haunt me, I can’t imagine what she’s going through.

Well I guess this is enough for today.

Marie re-read the entry over and over again. She smiled while reading it. She smiled because he would remember something so big in her life, and yet so small in his. Marie was just moving on to the next entry when a shadow moved across the papers Marie looked up and standing there was Inspector Candid.

"Hello Miss Lancon." He said looking down. She could see pain in his eyes.

"Hello Inspector Candid." Marie said smiling, “we need to talk.”

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