Chapter 9

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Rebecca’s POV

I literally could not believe my eyes, and I don’t think Michael could believe his either. We both stood there staring at each other for what seemed like an hour, but in reality was probably only 5 minutes.

Well, finding Michael in Sydney was easier than expected.

Neither one of us had said anything the whole time; we just stared into each other’s eyes. Michael finally broke the slightly awkward silence and ran at me with his arms open. I was slightly confused, but before I knew it I was being embraced in the tightest hug I had ever experience in my entire life. I hugged back as if my life depended on it. I guess he missed me?

I felt tears well up in my eyes, and I tried to keep them back, but this proved to be difficult. As we pulled out of the hug, Michael chuckled and used his thumbs to wipe away the tears.

As his fingers made contact with my face I flinched. As cliché as it sounds, I felt sparks. I actually felt them.

“It’s actually you…” Michael’s voice trailed off.

I was still too shocked to speak, and I just nodded whilst smiling like an idiot. I couldn’t believe that he actually missed me. To be quite honest, I thought he’d probably forgotten about me.

He pulled me into another hug, before we heard laughter coming from down the corridor.

We quickly pulled away and were faced with two other boys wiggling their eyebrows at Michael.

“Oi! Lads! Can’t you see I’m busy?” Michael said, in a joking manner.

“Who’s you’re little friend?” Asked the tall boy with blonde hair, giving me a wink.

“Yeah Mike, you seem to know her pretty well!” Added the other boy, who had dark hair and beautifully tanned skin.

“I’ll explain later,” Michael mumbled.

He gave me an apologetic look as the other two boys scurried off.

“I missed you,” I suddenly blurted out, covering my face as I blushed.

“I missed you too, Rebecca. I literally can’t believe that you’re here. Not only are you in Australia, but you’re at Shady Grove too. Wait… why are you here?”

“Um well it’s kinda a long story…” I replied.

“I’ve got loads of time,” he shrugged. I was just about to head out to the field, would you fancy joining me?”

I nodded, and followed Michael. I noticed that he’d picked up the guitar that he set down when he went to hug me, and I decided to ask him about it.

“So, you play guitar?” I shyly asked.

“A bit... I’m not too good or anything though. It’s more just to get my mind off of other things.”

“Aw that’s cool! I started playing a bit these past few months, but I’m not very good yet…”

“I could teach you!” Michael exclaimed. “I mean, if you want that is…”

“I’d love that,” I said with a smile.

I wasn’t used to being happy. I couldn’t even remember the last time I smiled, so the fact that I had a permanent grin plastered to my face was an odd feeling.

I trailed behind Michael as we made our way downstairs and outside. The field was beautiful, and had had benches scattered about.

Michael led me to a secluded bench towards the back of the property, shaded by some trees.

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