Can't let go

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"Are you ready to go?" She move towards me. I look at my daughter who is holding my hand.

"No, I'm not. And I don't think I will ever be." I answered her honestly.

"You have two choices; either you can go with me and be put to rest or..." She hesitates.

"Or what? Is there a way for me to stay?" I feel almost desperate.

"Or... you can stay here as an abandoned soul." My heart stopped for a split second. I can actually stay here, with my family?

"But, I would not recommend that."

"And why is that? For what reason should I not want to stay?" I know I am getting a tad defensive now but seriously, no one should come between me and my family.

"Calm down, okay? I was going to tell you that if you choose to stay, you can never change that decision."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, that you would have to stay here as your husband grows old and die. The same with your daughter and her children. And them after that. Are you getting the picture? You will most likely go insane." I look at her, dead in the eye.

"I could not care less. I can't go with you, I just can't." Tears are streaming down my face. I try to dry them away, but they are replaced instantly.

"You have to let go, it will hurt you much more by staying here." She tried reasoning with me but it is too late, I have already made up my mind.

"I can't dammit! Don't you understand? I can't let go!" I was crying rivers up to this point. As my legs are no longer strong enough to keep my body standing, I fell to my knees.

Everything is silent for a good five minutes. While I am trying to calm my breath, I feel her gazing intently at me. She finally breaks the uncomfortable silence.

"'Is that your final decision?" I take a deep breath before answering

"...Yes, this is what I want."

"Very well. No turning back now, or ever. Next time we meet, will be when I take your husband with me. And no, you will not be able to see his soul, as he can't see yours." And with that she was gone.

I turn around and I hear a loud beeping sound that signifies that my heart did in fact, stop.

Chaos is filling this plain hospital room. Eric is yelling after the staff, Claire is crying even louder, and a doctor is storming in with a couple of nurses, hot on his trail. I only watch them as they are pulling the defibrillator out, then I close my eyes.


"...One more try!"

I feel nauseous, like when you are going really fast on a merry-go-around, and you look up to see the sky spinning. Their yelling becomes distant and the last thing I hear before losing consciousness is:

"And we're back."


And with that I end this short story. How was this last part? Too predictable? I would love to hear what you though. Anyways, thank you for reading!

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