Chapter 3

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Sitting up in bed, I groaned as remembered yesterday as it came crashing down around me. The announcement, Dylan, Jesse and Jamie. And then my break down. I flopped down on the bed, my hand over my eyes. Oh why did I have to lose it in front of Jesse. I think it would of been better to stay home yesterday then none of this would of happened. Dragging my hand down my face I stared at the white ceiling. I need a poster there I think. Or a photo. I don't know. Pushing myself up on my elbows, the door opened and Jamie poked her head in. Her slick black hair was pulled back in a bun with a braid wrapped around it. "Hey sleepy. I've got to go to work soon." Waving her off as I looked at the analog clock on my beside table, I said "Go, go! You'll be late if you don't hurry!" She just rolled her eyes and shot back "Yes mum" as she closed the door. I rubbed my eyes and yawned as Jamie was shouting "Waffles on the counter so you're on clean up and dinner duty!" Groaning, I landed back on the bed. I hate cooking dinner, I'm more of a dessert person. Pushing myself out of my bed, making a mental list of what I need to do today. I was then rudely interrupted by my phone with a random song. Jamie must of changed the ring tone again cause it was some random tone on the phone. Picking it up, I swiftly pulled it away from my ear as someone was yelling into the speaker. "OMG! Penny, girl, get your ass up off the bed and read your emails ASAP!" Jamie yelled into the phone. Looking out the window, I watched a bee buzz onto one of my wilted flowers. Hmm, add that to the list- water flowers and bring them inside. Focusing on getting up, a large truck horn blared from the phone causing me to yelp "Oh shit!" as the phone clatters onto the carpet. "What the fuck was that!" screamed a very frustrated Jamie. The only thing I was concerned about right now is that my speakers on my phone weren't broken from the screeching Jamie. Sighing, I plucked the phone off the floor and made my way to the desk beneath the window as I pressed speaker and turned down the vulture that was my friend.

As she yabbed on and on and on about the traffic and the boys she was crushing on and stuff that was seemingly meaningless to me, I sat down and pulled the screen of my laptop up and logged on. It was a bad habit of mine to leave it on during the night but..meh it works at times like these. Clicking on the little mail icon, my screen flashed with little envelopes all with unread with a total of lets say... 1000 and counting. I felt my jaw drop as I cringed and said "Please tell me its all junk mail". Jamie cackled through the phone and replied smugly " Well aren't you glad you don't have a job". I am face palming so hard right now. I can just feel the headaches coming on. "Wait, no, your not getting outta this one, honey" I shot back, "remember, your choosing the winner!" The line went silent. I chewed on my bottom lip and twirled my hair absently as I waited for a reply. "Its your competition right?" Jamie replied, sounding cautious. I could feel a negotiation coming on. I just relies that she really loves deals. Shaking my head at the thought, I stand and start to make my way down the hallway replying "Yes?" "And I'm choosing the winner as you thankfully reminded me" Jamie said. I rolled my eyes as I exited the short hallway into the kitchen/ living room/ dining room. There under florescent light, my waffles lay rested on a plate looking like heaven served on a plate. I love waffles.

I shovelled the whole plate of waffles into my mouth with about half falling and sticking into my lap as I watched the city through the ceiling to floor window. One of the benefits of money- epic views. "Well how about you read all of them and you choose about 100 that you like and I choose from that." Frowning, I rinsing the plate in the sinks then I placed it in the full dishwasher and turned it on. Leaning against the marble counter i replied " I still do all the work and read who knows how many songs there are!" Jamie paused and said " Well hey, it's your competition , you need to contribute" I closed my eyes and said "fine". Hanging up, I then made my way back to my room. My bed shoved in the corner was totally trashed I mean the sheets were falling and there were dirty clothes every where on the floor and bed. Great another thing to add to the list was to clean my room before Jamie sees it. And yes Jamie. She's like the mum i never had and I love her for that unbreakable friendship. So about two hours later, I sat at my desk fully clothed with a tidy room and a clean penthouse. I refuse to have a maid or chef despite Jamie's whining because I feel bad and also I'm home a lot so I can do it. The emails were still coming in strong. A long sigh escaped my mouth. I just wanted to sleep but u gotta get this done. Opening the first submission, my phone gave a buzz.

Jamie: Don't forget to print them out! ;) <3

I swear I nearly threw my phone through the open window but I just grounded my teeth and started reading.

Jamie found me asleep on my laptop when she came home from work about 7 demanding her dinner. After apologising like a billion times she when into her room and shut the door, leaving me to slave in the kitchen. Making my mind up I set about to cook some spaghetti my favourite food, besides waffles. Putting a pot if water on to boil on the stove and started to cook the meat in a smaller pot, I got carried away and soon enough on the table sat two large bowls of spaghetti. " Dinner's ready!" I hollered and Jamie came sprinting into the kitchen. Fair enough it's nearly 8 now. Silence set over the table and I only stopped to get the garlic bread out of the oven and to cut it up. When we finished inhaling food like air, Jamie sweetly asked how the song reviewing was going. If only looks could kill. Glaring I replied "You're a major bitch, just hope you know that." She snorted and put her hands up surrendering "Well, hey, it was your idea and you agreed smart ass" Rolling my eyes, I looked out the window to the city and said "Well, hey whatever". Standing, I walked to my room to grab one of my blue towels- old habits die hard. Entering the en suite bathroom, I peered into the mirror. The bags under my eyes were still there but fainter I suppose. Stripping, I dumped my clothes in the washing bad and stepped into the running water. I'm always font of shower times. It gives me time to think without being interrupted by anyone. Poking my head out from under the water, I switched on the radio which stands loyally beside the sink. My favourite song plays so I start to sing loudly without a care in the world. Ahhh. All I need in life is music, showers and a man, life would be perfect. But if only if only.

Stepping out of the shower, i began to dry myself. Wrapping the towel around my body, I stepped into my room humming the song on the radio still playing in the bathroom. My door opened with Jamie standing in the doorway. Her hair was loose and wearing one of her short dresses. Obviously going clubbing. Again. "I'm going out" she stated. "OK" I replied looking for my lost pjs. Where are they? "I'm meeting Oliver at Club Way so I won't be back until the morning" Jamie said before turning around, walking to the front door. Smiling, I yelled "Use protection!" as the front door slammed. Shrugging, walked to my chest of drawers and pulled out a tank top with some pj shorts. Slipping them on, I snuggled into my bed, listening to the traffic 50 levels below. Pulling Dane, my toy dog, close, I wish I could say I fell into a dreamless sleep. I didn't.

He threw my head against the brick wall by my hair. I screamed as I felt blood trickle through my hair. He just laughed and picked me up again, throwing me to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Grounding my face into the concrete, he whispered in my ear smelling like cigarettes. " You"ll enjoy this" as he flipped me around to lift my long dress. I sobbed loudly thinking no, no, this was not happening, its not him...its someone has to be. He buried his face in my breasts as I felt pain near my navel. Then a single gun shot echo through the night. I started to scream when I saw his face in the light.

I woke screaming sweating profusely down my face and back. I shot of the bed, pushing the covers aside, running to the toilet and throwing up dinner. Normally Jamie would be here to comfort me. Not tonight. Breathing deeply, i tried to calm my heart and convince myself it was just a dream, just a dream, just a dream... Looking to my right, the clock read 3:13am. Running my hand through my hair, walked unsteadily to the kitchen. Flicking the light switch on, I stood in front of the sink. Reaching up, I opened the cover and pulled out a glass. Filling it with water, I sipped it slowly trying to settle my stomach, looking out to the buildings in the distance. I felt a breeze across my neck and I shivered. The door which lead out to our balcony was slightly ajar, letting in the night air. Slowly walking to the door still sipping my water, I closed the door. Setting the empty glass on the island, I switched the light off. The full moon light shone through the window, creating shadows through the room, making the apartment look haunted. Closing my eyes briefly, I went back to bed curled in a ball, trying to keep warm. I gradually feel into a fitful sleep with the moon's shadows dancing infront of my closed eyes.

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