Chapter 11

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“Why did you stop me? I could have ripped the no-hoper apart, he can’t, can’t do that to Chirp, I won’t let him!” cried Ivy as they stood silently in the easing elevator.

“I had to. I can’t have you being put on trial for murder, can I?”

“Like you even bother about what happens to me”

“Your right, you are a nuisance, I can’t believe I’m bothered” he breathed.

Even though he had said it lightly to lift the mood, which didn’t work, he had wished he hadn’t stopped Ivy. Even if she had killed the Doctor, he would have cheered Ivy on. Chirp might have had a better chance of survival if Dr Hughes hadn’t been assigned to him.

They finally arrived at Chirps ward, and inside was a nurse. Ivy looked at her coldly, and she swiftly moved out. When the door clicked shut, Ivy’s face lost all traces of the scowl she previously wore, and she rushed to her chair, moving it closer to the bed. Ivy looked at Chirp, no chance, huh? She thought. This is my last try.

Ivy took hold of Chirps limp hand, the drip needles still in it, and held it tight, “ Chirp, if you can hear me, I want you to know this, I’m sorry, I am such an idiot, I wish me never knew each other, so this wouldn’t have happened. But I also thank you, for the all the good times we had, and if you decide to wake, all the good times we’ll have. You have a life ahead, don’t give up now. Please, if you can hear me, give me a sign!” She looked at Chirp, who was as still and motionless as before.

 “Please?” she whispered. Ivy’s grip on Chirps hand loosened, and it floppily fell back against him. She watched him closely for the next ten minutes, often speaking to encourage him. Jet stood on the other side of the bed, head bowed, bangs hiding his face.

“Ivy, it’s not going to work, let’s go now” Jet sighed.

Ivy still sat, not moving, then said, “You have to remember the promise at least, the second one counted”. Ivy peeked at Chirp, and then let out a long drawn breath.

“Come on runt, the more you hope, the worse you’ll feel. Come on” Jet moved towards the exit, looking other his shoulder. Ivy pulled on her crumpled sunhat, and said in a low, angry voice, “I used to like you, but now, I hate you. Don’t expect me to attend your funeral”.

 Ivy glanced at Chirp one more time, before getting up and marching to the door.

Chirp heard a voice – a feminine voice – calling him, pleading him to wake up. No, he felt like saying, let me sleep. But he couldn’t anymore. The voice was filled with such sadness and loneliness, he couldn’t block it out. He slowly, reluctantly concentrated on the sound. “Don’t give up, don’t die, wake up!” she cried. That voice, it was Ivy, wasn’t it? She asked him to wake up, but the sleep, it was such a pull, intoxicating and tempting, he was torn. He heard another voice, a male voice – “He’s not going to wake, let’s go” he said. It was Jet, Chirp was sure. Why did they both sound so glum?

It was quite for a while, and Chirp was drifting back into the suffocating darkness, until he heard a small voice, saying something about a promise, the second one. The sleep kind of put less weight on him, and he listened with all his concentration. “I used to like you, but now, I hate you. Don’t expect me to attend your funeral” She says. It didn’t feel good, being told in such a pissed voice that Ivy hated him. And what? Who was dying? Whose funeral? He felt an irresistible urge to counter this phrase, and the sleep just couldn’t hold him back anymore. I’m not going to die, not yet, he thought. He struggled to open his eyes, and then, light bombarded with his weak pupils.

The first thing Chirp saw when his eyes accustomed to the light was Jet and Ivy walking out the door. Don’t go, he thought. “Who said I’m dying, huh?” Chirps voice was raggedy and coarse from being unused for so long. They stopped walking instantly, and Ivy slowly turned to look at the bed. Chirp sat up, leaning against the pillows, he felt weak. Jet looked at Chirp too. He Stared, amazed, but not believing the possibility.

“What?” Chirp asked. Ivy flew across the room, clambering onto the hospital bed, and hugging Chirp so tight, he stumbled on what he was saying.

“Ivy, you stupid girl, don’t hug the patient right after recovery; wait till later” said Jet, but he was smiling, not really concerned.

“You had us all worried; the Doctor even thought of putting you out today, why didn’t you wake earlier?” Ivy inquired.

“Actually, I don’t know. I mean, most of the time, I can sense everyone around…but I didn’t think about waking, actually, I couldn’t – no, you won’t understand the situation.” Chirp looked stressed, not a healthy look for someone who was out for the last few days.

“Shhh, now don’t push yourself” said Jet, patting Chirp on the back.

“If you could hear us, did you hear me?” Ivy asked. Chirp smiled smugly, “You bet I did, and you’re not going to have to attend that funeral after all. By the way, thank you for hating me. That can be reversed right?”

Ivy didn’t lose any of her calm, “I’ll think about it. I’m just glad you didn’t die”. Jet spluttered, and then snorted, laughing uncontrollably.

“What’s so funny?” Ivy asked crossly, staring at Jet, who was thumping the floor with his fist, tears in his eyes.

“Oh my god” he managed between breaths. “I was just thinking how sloppy that sounded”.

 Ivy felt the usual annoyance towards Jet, and as she slid off the bed, taking off one of her flip-flops, “Jet, your unreal! Don’t blame me if you end up on that hospital bed next” This remark just caused Jet to laugh even harder, clutching hard onto his stomach.

“Sorry, sorry, don’t get me wrong, you’re just the most confident girl I’ve ever seen. Not a single stammer or blush, you’re a miracle, Ivy” he cried.

“I swear that’s not funny, shut up!” she said, throwing the flip-flop at Jet, who dodged it, and laughed even more. Chirp couldn’t help it. What was wrong with those two? It was like watching Tom & Jerry. He gave a pathetic chuckle, and was instantly faced with the glowering Ivy. He held up his hand in defense, “I didn’t mean to, but aren’t you a little violent today?” he grinned. Ivy was aware of the smile tugging its way out, and she giggled.

“What the… that was the ugliest thing I’ve heard” teased Jet.

“Go to hell” sulked Ivy, who was now giggling even more. “I hate you both” she cried.

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