Ch 4

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i woke up made breakfast and coffe befored delilah got up , i watched tv for a bit then delilah cried and i had to g her ,i got her then i fed her and turned on cartoon for her , my phone was ringing for facetime so it must be luke calling me , its conecting to his then 2 faces popped up but it wasnt luke it was calum and micheal 

"  hey catlyn " they shouted 

"  hey guys , how are u and why do u have lukes phone " i asked 

" were fantastic and luke wont wake up so we had to call you , your our last hope "  calum said 

"  ok bring me to him "  i said and then they moved over to luke 

"  hey lukey wake up "  i said sweetley and he still didnt wak up 

"  luke , wake up "  still no answer 

"  LUKE ROBERT HEMMINGS GET YOUR ASS OUR OF BED "  i yelled this time then he  jumped and woke 

"  was that my lovely wife i hear "  he said rubbing his eyes open 

"  yes now get up "  

"  oh i love the way you woke me up "  he said sarcasticley 

"  i know , i love you "  

"  love you "  

then i heard delilah cry 

"  go to go delilah woke up , bye guys "  i said waving bye to them 

"  bye love you "  they all shouted then hanged up . 

I ran upstairs got delilah dressed then went back downstairs and fed her and then i got another text but from some one i was not expecting it to be from , it was josh 

- unknown 

Hey catlyn its josh , i was wondering if you want to go get lunch and catch up or somthing 

- to unknown 

hey josh i would love too , when and where 

-  unknown 

great um around 12 and at the neighboors cafe 

-  to unknown 

great see ya there

we hanged up and i added josh to my conctats and then called a baby sitter for delilah 

first i calledliz and she said she cant so i called my mom and she said yes instead of me brining delilah over there , i layed delilah down so i could get ready , i got in the shower , got out got dressed , im wearing a floral tank top with skinny blue jeans and my black converse and for my hair i put in a nice high pony tail and i did my make up , grabbed my purse as well as my phone , wallet and keys then got in the car and headed there . 


( at cafe ) 

"  hey wow you look great "  

"  hey and thanks you too "  

"  lets sit "  he said pulling a chair out for me 

"  thanks "  

"  so how have you been '  i asked him 

"  ive been great , how about you "  

"  ive been great as well "  

"  so what are you up to these days "  he asked 

" up well im a assistant and model for linda she a fashion designer '  i said 

"  wow so your dream really did come true "  he said 

"  i guess it did , how about you "  

"  im a actor , and im in alot of movies that you must of hear of " 

"  actually i have seen many of your movies , and huge fan i must say "  

"  thank you that means alot coming from you "  

then we orderd our food i got tea and sandwich and he got soda and sandwich then we went bacl to talking 

"  so are you seeing any one special "  he asked little nervous 

"  um actually i am married "  i said proudly 

"  oh "  was all he said 

"  is somthing wrong "  

"  no , tell me about him "  he said 

"  um ok well hes in a band and hes the lead singer of 5 seconds of summer and theyre on teh tour right now and hes coming home next month "  i said 

"  wow thats amazing hows you life with him "  he asked 

"  oh its amazing we have a beautiful little girl who just turn one her name is delilah rose hemmings and me and luke bought  a ice house togother we also have a dog named angel "  

"  how did he purpose and how is it with him being on tour all the time " he asked

"  um its hard somtimes while hes on tour but i know he loves doing what hes doing so im really happy for him and his band mates who happens to be one of my very close freinds and he perpoused the cutes way , we were at his concert and he sang the way you are and then after that he got down on one knee and porpoused "  i said 

" wow you are really living the life hah "  he said 

"  yea i guess but its not only me , lets talk about you , with you movies and all you the big thing know"  

"  yea  its amaizng , i love acting and working with tons o other actors it a great experince " 

"  are you seeing any one "  i asked

"  um actually i just broke up with my ex"  he said looking down 

"  oh , im sorry " 

"  yea thank you and its ok " 

"  ok "  

we talked a little more then it was time to go i gave him a hug and walked away and then i ended up falling over the side walk because of how clumsy i am good thing josch cathed me and then i thanked him and went home . 


( at home ) 

"  hey mom im home "  

" shhh delilah is sleeping "  she said pointing to the baby in her arms

" sorry , thank you for watching her , i can lay her down now "  i said taking delilah off her lap

 "  your welcome hon and i love spending time with her , who was was the freind you met to day "  

"  oh um josh "  

" josh , josh hutcherson , as in the josh who was madly in love with u in 3 through 8th '  

"  up that josh , he cahnged though hes more cool now  "  

"  ok hunny bye love you "  she said whispering and gave me a kiss on the forhead then left 

i layed delilah down in her bed then got in pjs and passed out . 

(  sorry guys this is a short chapter but hope u like it ) 

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