Chapter 6

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“Why won’t she stop?” Alex asked them. “She won’t stop. She won’t stop. She won’t stop.” She can’t help you, They whispered back. We can help you, she’s a lying bitch. He shook his head, trying to clear it. To physically shake the voices out of his head. Maybe he should go downstairs again. Yes. That would work. They couldn’t be around at the same time as Rose; They weren’t as strong as her. She’s just like the others; she doesn’t want to help you They sneered. She deserves to die, just like the last one.

“Don’t talk about Rose that way! Don’t even mention her; she’s not like the last one.”He screamed. “The last one couldn’t help me. It’s your fault that I had to…that she didn’t…” Alex trailed off, unable to choke out what he’d done. The gruesome details came back in flashes, beating his brain into oblivion. She is burning along with Mother; the demon downstairs deserves the same. “I know what it is!” Realisation dawned on him. “That boy is stopping her from helping. She won’t do it while he’s around. Kyle.”

When Kyle came out of his night game for basketball, Alex was waiting. It was just like old times, when Rose was still infatuated with Kyle and would attend all his games. She looked so angelic when she sat there, tucking her incorrigibly curly hair behind her ears. Leaning forward in her seat, crossing her right hand over her left. Sometimes Alex would sneak into the seat a few rows behind her, so he could watch her unabashedly. Kyle walked over to the empty car lot at the back of the school, unaware of Alex close behind. God, even his walk is conceited. He didn’t seem to fear anything in the waning light. You’re not the scariest thing out here.

“Hey!” He called out to Kyle, waving melodramatically. “Can you help me? My car won’t start and I don’t have any idea what I’m doing.” Alex chuckled nervously, before gesturing to the Volvo in the back of the lot.

“Yeah, sure.” Kyle turned his back to Alex and strutted over into the darkness. He was not worried in the slightest that a slightly gangly guy could take him down. You think you’re safe now. Perfect.

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