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Here's chapter 3 (:


Bella's POV


I tore past the bastard attempting to harm my innocent little sister and rushed to Angelica. After

a quick once over to make sure she suffered no serious injury, I pushed her behind me and turned

to face the man at the mouth of the alley.

'Yum,' was the first thought that flew through my head as I scanned quickly over his body. Long

legs covered in dark blue jeans, a tight fitting t-shirt that allowed me to see tantalizing hints of his

abs beneath, and oh my god. His face. His face was perfect. Plump, soft-looking lips curved into a

smirk, a strong nose. This boy was a god. But his eyes were what were most shocking of all. A light

steel color, they seemed to peer into my very soul and unravel the mess I am.

'Whoops, no time to think about how yummy he is now.'

Readjusting my stance to make myself seem more intimidating, I spoke.

"What the hell do you think you're doing to my little sister. Are you a pedofile? God, what kind of

sick person would take a young girl into an alley?! You're such a creep! I'm calling the police right


I reached into my back pocket to pull out my phone. I scarcely had the first number dialed before

I felt warm, smooth fingers close around my wrist.

"It would be in your best interest not to do that sweetheart," a low, sexy voice murmured in my


I look up at him just in time to catch him wink at me. 'Whoa, wait, what? He was all the way over

there! How did he get over here?!' My mind is blown at how quickly this mysterious boy has

moved. I don't realize that my eyes have closed to help me think better.

When a sudden gust of cold air hits my wrist, my eyes pop open and I gasp. Sexy Boy is no where

to be seen. And, I soon realize, neither is my phone.


Derricks POV


Confusion is clouding my thoughts as I watch the girl attempting to be ferocious at the other end

of the alley. Wasn't she just fighting me? And wearing jeans and a tank top? None of which were

pink I might add. Had she done a quick change because she had my partners blood on her?

Yet, the person standing in front of me looked exactly like her, but this girl looked like a pack of

bubblegum had puked on her and then covered her in sparkles.

There was something different about the pink, sparkly fairy standing in front of her little sister,

apparently. I just couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Sighing internally, I finally noticed that her mouth was moving at a very rapid pace and that I had

been tuning her out the whole time.

"...creep! I'm calling the police right now."

I heard the last part of her rant and noticed that her hand was pulling a phone out of her back

pocket. The phone was, you guessed it, pink and it was bedazzled with rhinestones.

Before her finger hit the first number, I was in motion. Sprinting the few yards between us, I

reached her quickly and grabbed her wrist, slipping her phone out of her hand without her


"It would be in your best interest to not do that, sweetheart."

I spoke close to her ear, making my voice husky and soft. I felt a subtle shiver run through her

body where it was pressed against mine. Making sure she sees me, I wink at her before running

out of the alley.


A/N: if mild language offends you, this story will not be for you.

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