Chapter 2: Lunch Date

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"Sherlock!" Irene called from the other end of the hallway. He turned to see her slowly getting pushed down the all by the current of students.

"Let's get lunch," She smiled. Sherlock dodged the vortex of bodies to get to Irene. A few strands of hair had fallen out of her bun. Sherlock wondered if he should tuck them behind her ears. That was what guys always did in movies, but somehow it didn't feel right.

"Sorry, I can't have lunch with you today," Sherlock grinned.

He was met with a hurt look from his best friend. "Why not?" She asked, disapproval tainting her words.

"I'm having lunch with John Watson,"

"The new kid?" She asked incredulously, her thin eyebrows raised.

"Yes. I'll see you later," He waved as he pranced out the building with a little to much happiness. John Watson was waiting for a cab at the corner of the street. Sherlock jogged up to him. John murmured something about getting a cab, and Sherlock brought his fingers to his lips in an O shape and blew. A whistle pierced the air, and John smiled in awe.

"How did you do that?" He asked.

"Practice." Sherlock answered, trying not to think about how many germs had gotten inside his body. There was a moment before a taxi pulled up, where it was just Sherlock and John. There was no wind, and surprisingly, the sun was shining over London. Sherlock caught John's eye, and for a moment of bliss, They just stared at each other. John's were the warm and welcoming eyes of someone who Sherlock knew he wanted to get to know better.

"Well, are you going to stand there all day?" The driver yelled at them. He was an old man, and with one glance, Sherlock deduced that he had three kids that he didn't see often because his ex-wife had taken them. He had a brain tumor, and the he knew it, and his shirt was old, three years old, because he was keeping up his appearances, but not planning ahead.

"After you," He motioned for John to get in.

As the streets of London rolled by, Sherlock fought the urge to stare at John. Neither of them said anything. When the taxi came to a screeching halt, John had already gotten his wallet out, but Sherlock shook his head. "I'll pay," He smiled. He opened his wallet, and cursed silently when he realized that he wouldn't have enough money to pay for the cab and the food.

Sherlock opened the door. "After you," he said for the second time. After John had entered, Sherlock paused and smiled to himself.

Speedy's Sandwich Bar & Cafe was small, with seats the seats so close together that Sherlock and John were almost touching. Sherlock handed John a menu, and when John grabbed it, his fingertips grazed Sherlock's hand. Sherlock suppressed a smile.

"So where are you from?" Sherlock asked, even though he had already deduced it.

"I moved up here a few week ago. I used to live over in Cardiff, but I had a fallout with my parents..." He trailed off. Sherlock frowned. He was so used to knowing everything about everyone he met, but John was different. Sherlock hadn't the faintest clue that John had a fallout with his family, yet he wasn't lying.

Sherlock frowned. He wanted to ask about the fallout, but knew what it wold be rude. "I've lived in London for awhile. My brother, too. But we're not close."

"Oh, why not? If I had close family, I'd definitely keep in touch with them. You should call him," John suggested.

"Too much history between us, John. That, and..." He trailed off.

"And what?" The question that Sherlock dreaded. Why couldn't John keep to himself. Sherlock wondered if he should lie, but somehow that option was never available.

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