Chapter 3: Miss Steal Yo' Toilet Paper

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"Guess who's been working so damn hard and now aching from head to toe?" Dinah pulled out my earplug and yelled into my ear.

"Fuck! That was loud, China." I scowled.

"Sorry." Dinah grinned, not looking sorry at all. "But guess what?"

"What?" I sighed.

"I scored an invitation to the regional dance finals for my duet!" Dinah started booty popping at the cars passing.

"Sick!" I koala hugged Dinah extra hard.

"I worked so hard, and it's finally paid off! Even me slightly messing up didn't affect the outcome." Dinah beamed.

"What a boss." Shawn surprise attacked us both and threw his arms around us to steer us towards school.

"Hey Shawn." I grinned.

"Hey." He grinned back.

When we reached school we said bye to Shawn who had to talk to his Maths teacher for failing his last test and Dinah started waving her arms around wildly.

"Dinah what are you doing?" I asked, irritated. I slapped her arm to try and get her to stop.

"I want you to meet my dance partner." I glanced up as Dinah stopped making herself look like an idiot.

"Hey Normani." I smiled. Normani and I hugged.

"Wait... You know her?!" Dinah almost screeched.

"Um, yeah we're friends." Normani giggled.

"We're in the same Maths class." I rolled my eyes. I left the two girls to discuss some details for their duet.

As I walked through the hallways of the school, I noticed the lockers got repainted and I rolled my eyes. When will the school learn that people won't stop drawing on lockers? No matter how many infringements you give out, it won't stop people. You can't control the art in people.

My bladder made it obvious that it needed emptying so I went to the bathroom and noticed that the bathroom walls were also painted over. The newly painted white walls seemed harsh and I winced at the feeling it gave me. The doodles, written words and art all gone. Covered by the paint. Honestly, this school will never learn that more will just keep coming. You can't stop girls who want to inspire and help other girls with their words and art while they pee. The confessions from girls coming out and the struggles that the abused girls went through had all been concealed. By the school.

I took a purple permanent marker out of my school bag and browsed the stalls. I hesitated in front of the last stall and tried to remember what it once was. I smiled as I remembered that it was the stall that was dubbed as the 'Harry Potter' stall because it was all filled with only Harry Potter doodles and lots of Ministry of Magic doodles too, especially on the toilet. I ducked into the stall and rolled my eyes - of course they painted the toilet too.

I went back to browsing the stalls and stopped in front of the stall which was the miscellaneous stall which used to be filled with random quotes and doodles. I went in and sat on the toilet. I put my earphones in my ear and let Ed Sheeran guide me as I doodled and then settled on drawing a love heart carefully and inside the heart I wrote 'love only' as fancy as I could. I'm terrible at art - even my handwriting is crap.

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