Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.


"Sasuke. To what do I owe the honor of your company?" 

 The said man straightened against the wooden pole he was leaning against. "We need to talk, Kakashi. "

"Not even a hello or a good morning to your sensie. I'm hurt." Sasuke rolled his eyes at his ex-instructor's antics. Always the drama queen. He stepped into the cafe and instantly regretted suggesting the place for their rendezvous. It was too warm and noisy for his liking. The cafe was packed-apparently he wasn't the only one to have had the desire to try out the new place. He heard Kakashi murmur a "quite the homely environment" and huffed. What would he know about 'homely'? He was still single.

So was he but he did have a family once upon a time.

A waitress jogged up to them and welcomed the two with a smile. She ushered them to a table, a favour that Sasuke realized she didn't bestow upon the others. Ugh. Not more fan girls!

After taking their order, the blushing girl disappeared to let the two shinobi talk. "So Sasuke, what is it that you want to talk about?"

"This."Sasuke fished out the scroll from his pants pocket and threw it at the white haired make who easily caught it in one hand.

"What's this?"He unrolled the scroll, searching for an answer himself. An eyebrow flew to his forehead and stayed there until his head rose from the piece of paper. "I still don't get what this is. Who's Shuu? "

"Extra luggage that came with the letter." A glass broke in the background and a high pitched screech met his ears, intensifying his headache. He messaged his temple with his only hand, wanting nothing more than a peaceful sleep. He didn't get any because of that annoying baby at home who wouldn't stop crying unless Sasuke carried him. By the time sun rose, the baby was fast asleep and wouldn't wake up even if a parade marched up to him with their drums and all. He's just nocturnal. Sasuke concluded.

"So there really is a baby." The masked nin asked.


"Your baby."

Silence stretched between them. What could he say? Nothing made sense to him. "I don't remember having any but according to the letter, yes. "

"Did you confirm-"

"The blood sign... ", the raven haired man cut in, "...yeah. It's mine."

"So that means you're child's father." Kakashi reclined in his chair. "How are you coping with that?"

The Uchiha sighed. "Honestly, I'm pissed. One day with this kid and I'm annoyed out of my mind. I'm not cut out for taking care of others, especially children. "He stopped as a young man he recognized as a fellow shinobi walked up to their table and bowed, offering a 'hokage-sama which the older male returned with a nod of his own. Only after he stepped out of the cafe did Sasuke continue. "But it's not the kid I'm here for. I want to know your thoughts on the matter. "

"Hmm. "Kakashi tapped his chin."Does the child look anything like you? "

Another sigh escaped Sasuke's lips. "Yes." A little too much.

"Since I doubt that anyone can force you into doing anything let alone writing a letter and then erasing any memory of it from your mind, I say that it is legitimate."

"I figured as much." Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose, hoping that it would dull the pain behind his eye. He wanted tea. Now! Ugh what's keeping her so long?

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