Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.


Contents of letter...

If Sasuke had the power to change one thing about konoha, he would turn everyone blind.

These people just couldn't mind their own business. Instead, they preferred ogling at others. Like that guard at the gate who probably have a lot of free time to waste and a couple of lose screws in his neck. His head followed him from the gate to a distance of a few meters as if Sasuke's form owned some magnetic properties and his head a bar of metal. Perhaps he could tight those lose screws for him.

They just took gawking to a whole new level.

So what if he had a box tucked under one arm and an unconscious girl draped over his other? Weirder things happened in shinobi world.

The guy abandoned his seat, a finger raising in the air as if to ask a question. Perhaps he was going to inquire about the girl. Well it was "none of his business", as Sasuke just stated. The guy shrank and sat back in his seat. That's right. Just focus on guarding the gates, guard.

Once out of his sight, Sasuke threw the girl on the ground unceremoniously and raised two fingers before his face to dispel the genjutsu. "KAI! "

Her eyelids fluttered before they shot open and the girl jumped to her feet, a kunai slipping between her fingers. "Where... who... are we under attack? "

The girl had sharp reflexes-Sasuke would give her that. But that was all she had. The rest of her was a useless, fangirling waste of space.

"No. We're back." Though it was an agonizingly slow process, people were gradually getting smarter. No one would approach Sasuke in hopes of surviving a fight. They'd just steer clear of his way. Even rouges won't come near him-a plus point of having rinnegan on complete display.

But the fan girls were another story...

The girl blushed. "I remember being knocked out. Did you carry me all the way to the village? "An image of her being carried by the dark haired prince into the sunset, bridal style, flashed before her eyes; intensifying the crimson in her cheeks. She completely overlooked the fact that the guy in front could never pull the stunt off with only one arm.

And Sasuke would never tell her that memory of being attacked by a group of shinobi was just a genjutsu that he had cast on her because he was getting tired of her continuous blabbering. He'd rather carry her weight of her body rather then the weight of her sound on his poor eardrums.

Sasuke turned to the direction of his apartment. "Since your so grateful to me...  "he could tell by the look on her face. She practically had hearts in her eyes. " can submit the mission report to hokage. "

With his back facing her, he did not get to witness her enthusiastic nod that accompanied her high pitched "HAI! "Honestly he didn't even give a damn. He had more important things at hand that required his attention.

Like the baby he found in the box.

He would have left the box there. He really wouldn't have cared weather it contained a child or not. It was nothing that concerned him.

And yet, a simple Uchiha emblem stitched on the left side of baby's chest had forced him to take drastic measures.

Sasuke wondered of this was some sort of joke or a prank one of his many haters were trying to pull off. They'd regret doing it sooner or later.

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