15. It Is So Late

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Terence and Lana went back to the class. The teacher said: you both were out for so long and I can't let you back to the class. you have to be punished for doing that

Lana said: but it was my entire fault I talked with him that's why it let us be late . Let him in teacher. You can't let him be punished. He is injured.

Terence looked at Lana in a strange look. The teacher said: you can't tell me what to do and what not to do now neither of you will go back to the class both of you will be punished.

Terence and Lana stood outside of the class in the same position as they did before. Lana was looking at Terence and then Terence was looking at Lana. Then Terence said: why are you looking at me? Don't you hate me? And love that person tom

Lana said: don't call him that person he's name is tom only

Terence said: really tom only?? So when I want to call him I should say tom only I want you for a minute like this.

Lana said: don't joke around right now

Terence said: yes and why did you want me to go inside the class?

Lana said: don't think too much. I wanted you go inside because I knew that the teacher wouldn't ever let me in.

Then jack was walking and he saw Terence and Lana were punished outside the class. So he came from back Lana and he said: BOoooo...

Lana jumped. Then, Terence and jack kept laughing without stopping. So, Lana became angry at them and she started beating them to stop laughing. Then the teacher came out of the class so, jack ran away and Terence and Lana stood in the right position .then, tom was watching Terence and Lana from the corner without them noticing. Them tom gave a little boy a bottle of coca and tom asked the little boy to go in front of Terence and Lana and throw some coca on the floor in front of Terence and in return tom will give him want he wants.

The boy walked in front of Lana and Terence. Then he threw off some coca Terence and Lana didn't notice the coca that was on the floor .and while Terence was exchanging his leg he stepped on the coca that was on the floor and he fell on the floor. Lana tried to catch him and not let him fall but unfortunately she fell on him. they looked at each other. And they started remembering the first time they fell on each other and knew that this feeling is different from the sibling feeling. Then Lana stood up and helped Terence in standing up. The punishment had been finished. Terence and Lana went back to their class.

After 3 days ...

Isla, Oliver, jack and Amelia went to tom. Isla said: we won't let you take Lana away from Terence they are destined for each other no matter how much you will try to tear them apart they will always stick together.

Tom said: I am not the person that is making them not to be together I want Lana to be with the person she will find happiness with

Oliver said: by saying happiness do you mean yourself?

Tom said: talk properly or I will teach you how to talk.

Amelia said: what are you saying don't forget that we are in the school and not in your house or in the street. You too have to talk properly

Tom said: it's a men's talk you don't have to get into it.

And then tom pushed Amelia. Jack said: what are you doing have you lost your mind? Try to Do something and I will put your mind in its place

And jack pushed tom back. Oliver said: the last thing that you will have to remember and not ever forget it is to give up on Lana... ok?

Jack, Amelia, Isla and Oliver left. Amelia said: what is that man? Is he a student or a criminal?

Jack hugged her and he said: don't worry about him much darling. If he does anything to you or if he only thinks of it I will go and put his mind in its right place.

Oliver said: ok stop you jack. Do not show off your muscles now. We have to think of a way to let Lana also give up on that tom.

Isla and Amelia said: yes we agree

Oliver said to jack: and you jack don't you agree?

Jack cried: YES, I AGREE

Oliver said: are you mad? lower down your voice.

In the lunch time Amelia, Isla, jack, Oliver, Terence and Lana sat together and ate their lunch. Then while they were eating . Amelia started the conversation. And said: I was really scared from him I was going to faint..

Then Amelia looked at Lana and she said: oh Lana sorry

Lana said: why are you saying sorry? what happened?

Amelia said: nothing nothing

Lana and Terence said: no tell us

Isla said: we were talking with tom very sweetly but then he told Amelia don't get in our talk or else I will do something I don't want to do.

Lana said: what nonsense are you talking about of course tom wouldn't do it

Terence said: oh don't let love blind you. Are you giving on your friend just because you love that Tom?

Lana said: really now you think that love is blind. Why didn't you think of that before?

Terence said: what? are you blaming me for something I didn't do?

Lana said: are you sure that you didn't do it?

Terence stood up and said: have you mistake between me and another person I was the person that had always cared about you

Lana said: oh how are you blaming me for not caring?

Terence said: yes you didn't care about me.

Lana said: so this is how you think of me.. ok

Lana stood up and she left. She sat under a tree then tom came and sat next to her. Tom said: do not be sad I am with you.

Amelia said to Terence : why did you say those harsh words to Lana?

Isla said: you didn't know how much she is in pain.

Terence said: and nobody knows how much I am also in pain. She is living happily with that tom why would she be in pain?

Isla said: I think you heard us today  when I and Lana was talking .I saw Lana crying under the tree and when I sat next to her and I asked that if the rumor that you both have broken up she said I don't know and then she told me that she loves you so much and she will always love you

Terence went out then he saw Lana and tom. Lana said: are what my friends saying is true?

Tom said: are you believing them and blaming me now?

Lana said: of course they are my friends from so long but we have just know each other.

The lunch time was over. Lana went to the supervisor and Lana said to the supervisor: I am sick and I don't feel well may I go home now?

The supervisor agreed on letting her go home. And Terence said to the supervisor I am sick I want to go home

The supervisor agreed to him too. And while they were in their way home .Lana said: why did you take a permission to go home like me

Terence said: oh really. You are not the only person that is sick I am too. Why are you lying?

Lana said: lying?? Lying about what?

Terence said: why? did you make a problem with Tom?

Lana said: it is something between me and him it is none of your business

Terence said: isla told me everything .there is no way you can escape from the truth

Lana said: what truth?? I don't love you I hate you I HATE YOU

Terence said: why??? Why are you doing like this to me? why?

Then while they were talking Lana crossed the road unfortunately she fainted in the middle of the street and there was a car coming.

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