The beginning.

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It all started with one night that it all got really kinky between Donald Trump, Pico, Shrek and David Cameron.

9 months later Dopishmon was born on 6/9/1969. He was a secret pokemon who had the special ability to eat that jesus man who doesnt love the kiddies because they are not the snazziest of the snazzy.

Dopishmon created the homos and the hairy bikers.

Jesus didnt like Dopishmon because Dopishmon was very different to him. Dopishmon was gay and was proud were jesus thought Dopishmon was just a plebby pigeon who had no legs. But he did have legs.

Jesus used to bully him because he was ugly because of his parents. It wasnt Dopishmons fault he had dodgy parents.

Dopishmon was very poor though, he made his money by selling dildos at some shady alleyways.

A/N: I'm not to sure what the fuck this story is tbh but mr and my friend ChibiNekoCat made this up in maths so yeah its a thing now. Go and check out her profile too.

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