Enter, Hitome the Assassin!

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 I was walking up the hill to- well I say hill when really ITS A GIANT ASS MOUNTIN! OK back to what I was saying. I was walking to class 3-E. That's right the end class. To be honest though, it wasn't so bad as everyone made it out to be. In fact, it was awesome! Especially the fact we get to kill this (practically) indestructible yellow,emoji octopus. [We know who that is~] Nearing the door, a flash of red, blue, and black entered my field of vision. "Hay ya boys!" I waved a little at my friends. "Oh! Hay Hitome-san!" Nagisa replies with a wave in return. "What's up!" Isoga gave a lazy wave. Then, the demon himself, Karma nod his head in response "Yo".  I chuckled at their different personalities. "Hay, now that everything's settled between all of us; what are we gonna do about Koro-sensi? [is that how you spell it?]. The other day we basically had a full out brawl over weather we should save, or, assassinate Koro-sensi. It ended pretty well. With the way things were, I was afraid we never be the same. "To be honest, I'm not sure." Nagisa said with perplexed face. "Well gusse we're going to have to come up with a plan." Isoga stated the obvious. "We'll think about it later. For now, let's try not to over think it." A cool, collected Karma replied. Ask any random stranger, and they tell you he looked fine; but you ask someone who knows him, like me, and they tell you he was worried. I looked at the red haired trouble maker. This is the first time I've seen him like this. His usual cocky smirk faltered ever-so slightly. I sighed "Karma's right. We can't start losing our heads now. We'll think of something." I tried to convince my fellow classmates. To no avail. There was still worry written on their faces. I couldn't blame them. I was just as worried. 

 ~ time skip~ 

 On my way out the school, I started to think of something that might help Koro-sensi. To be honest though, I was hoping I wouldn't have to. *Damn. I was really hoping I wouldn't go back THERE again. At this rate though...I may have to*. My thoughts were interrupted by something hard running into me. "Oof" I landed on my rear with a thud. "Watch where your going! You E class trash!" Oh, lovely~. Note the sarcasm ladies and gentlemen. I looked up to see Asano and his goons. "Your intelligence is so low, you can't even walk properly." Asano smirked at his comment. Ugh! I was not in the mood for this. "Shut your trap, daddy's boy!" In the midst of my anger, I had not realized the insult left my mouth. When it registered though. I was prepared to stand my ground. The a** holes friends stared at me. Wide eyed. A calm expression was worn on Asano's features. Though his jaw was clenched; signifying his anger. He leaned close to my ear. "You'll pay dearly for that." He whispered. I turned my head sightly so I could look at him in the eye. With a stern expression, I replied cooly "I like to see you try." He flinched. It was barely noticeable, but it was there. I smirked at my victory. His eyes widen for a second; realizing that I had caught the action. He straighten himself. A sneer visible on his face. I gave one last look before I walked away. *I may not like the idea of going BACK, but it's because of that place...that I can stand up to people like Asano. With out a care in the world*. 

~time skip...again~

 That night I stared at my ceiling. I thought over my plane to save Koro-sensi. There was only one person that could access such information. He was all the way in Ikebukuro. I sighed "I seriously hope I'm not making a mistake". I picked up my phone. Dialing Koro-sensi's number to unvail my master plan.

[OK so first chapter yay! Sorry it's short. It's just to get the ball rolling OK. So till next chapter my little demons byeeeeee~]

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