Welp....That Went Well

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"Well, I guess we didn't need all this extra time to get the info. You know, now that you have it". Krasama stated.

"It's not that simple", Nagisa replied  

"How so?" Asked Koro-sensei (I looked it up this is how you spell it)

Well you see it's kinda like this...


After  Izaya left  everything was deathly quiet. Everyone just...kinda.....stood there. I guess they were trying to process what happened. 'Oh boy' I thought '3,2,1' 

"What the hell just happened?" Kadota asked no one.

'Aaaaannd cue the awkward lies due to national security. Yep just another day as a 3-E student'

All eyes turned towards me and the boys. 

Shizuo walked up to Nagisa, staring him down. The image of the blonde ripping a stop sign out of the ground that morning, made its way to the mind of the small, blue haired boy. The poor thing paled at the thought. He was met with a surprise as the always-angry blonde patted his head and ruffled his hair. 

"I don't know what the hell that was about, but it was pretty cool kid. Wish you'd kill the flea tho," Shizuo muttered the last sentence.

"Cool? That was amazing!," Masaomi exclaimed.

"I have never seen Izaya retreat before," Simons thick accent rang through the room.

"Yeah tiny but mighty," Saburo commented.

"Hey! Let's not forget red over here," Erika pointed out.

"Yeah! Dude what did you do to Izaya? He looke like he was hurt," Walker asked.

"Well research shows, when you apply pressure to someone they are most likely to remember that moment. So I figured I'd give him some thing to remember me by," Karma smirked as he held up his hand to show the thumbtack tapped on his palm.

"Wow awesome the otakus exclaimed you guys are like something out of a manga or something yeah like ninjas" Erika exclaimed, eyes sparkling.

"No that's not the right word, there more like, like, umm," Walker snapped his fingers as he tried to think, a habit he picked up from me.

The female otaku hit her fist in the palm of her hand, an 'a-ha' expression on her face. "Assassins! There like assassins!" The three E-class student breath hitched in their throats. "You mean like the Chronos Numbers and Train Heartnet from 'Black Cat'?" questioned the ash blond. "Yeah exactly like that!" Erika confirmed.

"And of course there was your smart thinking," Shinra said turning to Asano

Asano looked back with a polite smile. "Oh it was nothing. I was simply trying to help,"            'yeah! More like a bargaining chip to hang over heads later' I thought.

"Speaking of which we didn't get your name" Celty typed.

"Yeah the creep with no life showed up before ya mentioned it" Masaomi said nonchalant. 

Two words. Oh. Shit.

The E-class boys looked over as my face paled. Nagisa looked at me as if to say 'don't tell me'. I noded my head with a nervous smile plastered on my face. "Well this should be interesting" Karma remarked as a smirk made its way to his face.

I looked over to where Masaomi stood, but my eyes were not looking at him. Oh no. My eyes were looking at the black haired boy behind him. Mikado looked down at his phone, perplexed. 'Please let him be checking his tumbler page' I pleaded. But no. Cause fate is a total *car horn*. 

"Ah" Mikado's face lit up as he found what he was looking for. The occupants of the room turn to look at him in curiosity. The ravenett tensed at the sudden attention. "What's wrong Mikado?" Anri asked, tilting her head to the side in a questioning manner. "Well it's just-" Mikado started, "I felt like I knew this guy, not that we ever meet. Then it hit me. I remembered a conversation I had with Hitome in a chat awhile back", he looked down at his phone. "It was about some guy at her school" he looked back up and pointed towards Asano. "And you match the description,". 

Mikado looked at his phone and read the description. "He has orange hair and cold violet eyes. He also has this aura around him, I can only describe this aura as one a military leader might have. He's manipulative, cunning, smart as a whip, and can be a total hypocrite,". Asano shot me a look, I replied to the look with a simple "meh" and shrugged my shoulders. "His name," Mikado continued. "Is Asano Gakushuu". 

Everyone froze. All my Ikebukuro friends looked towards the A-class student. He tensed up at the deadly stares shot his way. "So you are one that's been causing Hitome and her friends trouble, no?" Simon inquired. I could hear Shizou muttering "kill, kill, kill, kill," over and over again. 

After that everything went down hill from there. From Simon holding back Shizou, Kadota and Saburo holding back the otakus, to Asano threating to sue. I could see smoke(?) leaking through Celty's helmet, while Shinra tried to calm her down. Murderus glares came from both Mikado and Masaomi. Crap did Amir's eyes flash red! Before anything could get worse I intervened and explained how my class could not take this trip unless A-class came with. The principle said it was a perfect opportunity. Yeah, opportunity to spy! At that point I decided it was time to part ways, before anything could start up again.

I bid my friends good bye and made the promise of visiting. Karma and Nagisa were invited to come visit as well! We then made our way to the hotel and parted ways with Asano at the elevator. But before I could exit the machine the principle's son grabbed my arm. 

He tugged me and leaned forward. I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he whispered in my ear. "Just so you know you owe me for saving you back there. Oh, and let's not forget that little hypocrite comment, you'll have to pay for that to," I whipped my head around as I looked him straight in the eye. "How did I know you would use that against me," I muttered. All he did was chuckled. "Please do remember this for when I uh...ask for a favor," he said, ignoring my previous comment. He let go of my arm as I stumbled a bit out of the elevator. I went to look back but, the elevator was already closing. 


The class all had thoughtful looks on their faces as I finished my story. "I'll be honest," Nagisa spoke up gaining everyone's attention. "I have never seen or felt so much blood lust in one room before," the bluenett confessed. "So to put it simple" the sound of Karma's voice caused all heads to turn. "Our target's a basket case, we almost got caught, Hito's friends can be friendly and deadly, and the poster child of rich brats is on to us," Karma concluded. 

"Just perfect," Rio added.

Kurasama cleared his throat be fore announcing it was lights out and we would discuss our next move in the morning. I trudged in to the girls hall before entering the room flopping on the bed. 'Now that I think about it, Karma and Asano are kind like other versions of Izaya' was my last thought as I drifted off into sweet slumber.

Hey everyone yeah I know that took a fricking long time to update. Let me explain. 1, I got grounded because of my grades, 2, I had writers block, and 3: there's this thing called Broadway Dinner at my school (it's exactly what it sounds like) so I've been practicing my tiny little hide off for auditions tomorrow (seriously I'm exsausted from dancing and my throats hurts from singing) any way wish me luck with that. Oh btw what setting should durarara be in this story? Should I put it in season one or two? Vote please in comments below buh-bye my demons. 

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