Chapter 6..

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Kamala POV

"Thank you..come back again!"..I said to the nice lady..who I just finish cashiered her stuff..
She smiled and walk out the door..

Ugh..only 15 more mins till work over...After work I get school in two hours..ugh..
What a day...

And here comes Kalela to bother me..oh no with another lady isn't it..

"Hey.!!Kam, meet my long lost best friend Brittany!!!!"..Kalela said squeaking like a five year old who earn an high five for doing something good..
I turn my attention to blond looking, tan skin ,skinny looking figure but big features like a model with big bold blue eyes..Smiling at me..mor like a fake smile..

"Hey, sup"..I said coldly.. Looking straight in their face..

"Uh..c'mon Kam , stop your act of cold life.."..Lela said smiling non stop at Brittany..

"Hi!!..I'm Brittany.. You must be Kamla..right?".Brittany said with a fake smile...

Why is this girl acting like

"Um its actually Kamala..And Lela you know I'm busy right can you please do whatever you're doing somewhere else or another time?.."..I said flatly looking in Brittany face with a dry grin..

"Yeah whatever.."..Brittany said rolling her eyes then smile again..

"Ook..awesome..bye now"..I said to them waving them a good bye..

"Ok ..hmf..I will go show Brittany the guys ok..!!"..Lela told me referring to Carlos and I really care..

"Yeah ok.."..I said as they left..


Liam POV

"Oh really?"..I asked Carlos who is telling me a big story about some girl that I'm not even interested in..even though I haven't even met her yet..

"Kalela said she'll be perfect for you..!!"..Carlos said..

"So , and how do she know that?"..I asked ..Knowing that the only girl i like for now is Kamala..but I still want to meet this girl Carlos talking bout..

"Hey just because you might have a big crush on Kalela friend doesn't mean you can't at lease give another girl a chance too..So c'mon loosen up nigga!"..He said spraying men degree perfume on him...

Yup Wondering why he's getting ready so good..? Well because that Kalela girl is coming over with the girl they probably set me up with..So yeah I had to get ready also..ugh I hate doing this..
I hope Kamala comes along also..

32mins later..

"Hey, babe!!..c'mon in!"..Carlos said letting Kalela and her friend in..

They three came in the living and sat down where I was ...
In came a cute looking blond , tan , blue eyes girl...But she's not as cute as Kamala though..
She came and plant her butt right next to me..smiling big in my face showing her two big deep dimples..

"This is Brittany!!!.. She is my long lost high school best friend!!"..Kalela said gesturing her hand towards the blond girl I amuse name is Brittany..

"Hi!!..".Brittney said shyly..looking down at her lap..
She's cute..but I'm afraid I'm not so interested ..

"Hey I'm Carlos ..and this is my best buddy Liam!!"..Carlos said pointing and smirking at me..

"Hey"..I said very low more like whisper.."So where is Kamala"..I asked pretending to be searching around the room...

"Oh..she's you class right now"..kalela said..

"Yeah..ok..Me and Kalela are going out we'll be right back..!"..Carlos said..getting up off the sofa with Kalela following behind him outside..

They know what they're trying to do..I know..they're gonna leave me here with Brittany so we can talk so we may like each other..which won't happen..

"We'll be back in a min!!"..Kalela said squeaking..

With that they walked our the door and shut it..
I look from the door back to Brittany who now attention was on me...Now I totally have nothing to say..
I should try be nice to her a little..

"Hey,.. Want a drink?"..I asked getting up of the couch.

"Yeah sure!!"..She said smiling non stop..

I walk over to the kitchen and open the fridge to see what is in there to drink..all I see is water, milk, orange juice, and strawberry juice..Mmm..I think I should gave her some Strawberry juice..
I took out a cup out the cabinet and poured some juice for her.

"Here..enjoy!"..I said smiling sweetly at her while handing her the cup..

I sat quickly back down on the couch but as far away from her I can get..
She took sips of the juice still looking at me with her marvelous blue eyes..probably expecting me to start a conversation with her..Which is the last thing I want to do..

I sat there not knowing what to do .so I took out my phone from my pocket and dial Kamala number..I don't care if she's at school right now...
Besides its
I should have been at work right now..but imma miss a day today at my night job..

Her phone rang..after five rang she answered..

Call started.

Me-Hey Kamala what's up..

Kamala - Nothing much..

Me - that's great!!..So how was your day?.

Kamala - It was good..What about you?

Me - Work was good..

Kamala - yeah that's good..

Me - Yeah ..

Kamala - What's up sound offense..*giggle*..

Me -.*look over at Brittany*..I am bored....*laugh shyly*..

Kamala- too..but I'm watching Netflix..Care to maybe come over tomorrow to hang out.?.lol

Me -Oh yes sure.!!..What time where do you live?..

Kamala- maybe around this time since we both bored at this'll text you the address..

Me- Yeah sure..

Kamala - Ok now I gotta later..bye..

Me- Ok bye..have a good night!!.

Call end.

After that I placed my phone back in my pocket with out even caring to look over to a piss off Brittany.. And got up and walk to my bedroom left sitting there alone..
I really don't care..All I care about is how happy I am that kamala was willing enough to ask me if I wanted to hang..yea!!..that is awesome..
Ooh nigga bout to celebrate.. Lol..
And I also felt bad for leaving that girl all by herself but what do I care..I never ask for anyone to set me up with anyone...
Oh I'm gonna have a good night sleep..





Thanks for reading

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