Bread, Chapter 1

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 Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech ha'alom lechem min ha'aretz.

The ancient words were like a talisman, but Leah Benson had learned to never, ever say them out loud. It wasn't that prayer was illegal – for it wasn't. At least, it wasn't strictly illegal – but rather it was because, to pray openly, one would make the mistake of admitting that one might not be thinking of the Empress Hoshi Sato 24/7.

Someone was always watching, and listening. As the Empress had aged, her secret network had grown, and changed. First, it was Mayweather and his cronies. But he'd gotten himself killed during a slave uprising on a rock called Lafa II. Torres would have been next up, but he had met his end there, too.

Their children had grown up – four of them. One from Mayweather, another most likely from Torres – or maybe Ramirez – a third from the disgraced Tactical Officer, MacKenzie, and one from a time traveler named Ritchie Daniels. There were two other royal children, but they and their father, Chip Masterson, were gone, and it was forbidden to ever speak of them. Leah – or anyone else – would be facing the agony booth if Takara or Takeo Masterson was ever mentioned.

But the others were adults, and were being groomed to take over. Jun, who was the son of Daniels, had learned communications. Arashi, who was either the son of Torres, or maybe of Ramirez, he ran the treasury. MacKenzie's son, Kira, ran the science station. And Mayweather's own, the youngest, Izo, ran the secret police.

None of them were pilots, though, and so that was one reason why Leah had a job at all. But she was also kept on because, being a lesbian, she was not in competition as the Empress, in her sixties, continued to try to make conquests of younger and younger crew members. This all happened despite the fact that there was an official royal consort, Andrew Miller, a guy who had been a guard and had then been in science, before he'd been, eventually, tapped for his current, somewhat earthier role. Leah was not in competition for Andrew or any of them.

But Leah still knew enough not to pray in public.


Baruch atah Adonai eloheinu melech ha'alom lechem min ha'aretz.

"And now I will recite the blessing over the bread in English," announced the Starfleet Rabbi, Leah Benson. She stood at the front of a large room, full of dignitaries. There were two challahs in front of her. One was traditionally made. It was braided and its shiny crust meant that it had been brushed with an egg wash before baking. The other was more of a loaf and did not have a shiny crust – it was vegan. "Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth."

"Thank you, Rabbi Benson," President Jonathan Archer nodded and Leah sat down with other Earth religious representatives. "Today is an auspicious occasion, for today marks a day of complete cooperation among our species. When we created the Coalition of Planets, back in 2155, we hoped that eventually it would begin to accept new member states. And then when we signed the Federation Charter in 2161, that hope was renewed. But it wasn't until now, on April fourth of 2192, that that hope has finally come to fruition. Distinguished guests," he smiled at his audience, "I am pleased to announce that, by unanimous vote, we are admitting three new worlds."

Tellarite Representative Gral caught Leah's eye for a moment. He had an impressive beard which reminded her of ancient rabbis. Then again, his wife was also bearded.

"The three new member worlds are," Archer continued, "the Caitian home world, Denobula, and the Xyrillian home world. Please join me in welcoming them to the United Federation of Planets!"

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