CH.2 Kat and Jackson- (Two Gorgeous People, Pay the Price of One)

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In front of me stood a boy and girl who looked wildly different from each other. Yet, when you looked at them, you just knew the boy and girl were related. They seemed to begin where the other ended, their differences complementing each other like the yin and yang. I felt a strange vibe emanating from both of them, as I took in their exotic but ordinary forms.

The girl had long pin straight hair that gleamed blue black under the fluorescent light. Even though the texture hung straight to her waist, you could tell looking at the girl that her hair would feel thick. her gorgeous hair framed a heart shaped face with perfect Cupid’s bow lips and high cheekbones. Her light brown eyes- almost a caramel color, stood out against the smudgy black liner around them. I envied her instantly, noting that the girl stood as tall as the boy- until I looked down and saw the high peach colored heels. This girl had to be both beautiful and a fashion expert? Yeesh, unless she wanted the cheerleaders to personally murder her, the girl had better watch out.

Taking in her haughty expression, I then doubted the girl- Kat? Was that what the secretary had called her?- would have a problem with the cheerleaders. I quickly moved on to the boy, not caring if they knew I was staring or not but wanting to get to class so I could ask Brittany for the dirt on these two. I know that makes me sound gossipy, but I don’t spread what I hear. I know firsthand the effects of rumors-albeit the good ones more than negative ones, but still- and so by effect, I could be trusted with secrets easily.

Anyway, I shook myself mentally and continued my study of the boy. His shaggy hair kicked out in straight little cowlicks, curled around his ears and was a rich shade of red-gold. His bangs swept in front of his forehead, some sticking down or out, making me want to fix his hair. I bet this was the effect the boy wanted, unless he honestly didn’t give a shit and just didn’t brush his hair. His whole demeanor was languid, from that sexy hair to the pouty lips just full enough to be kissable. The boy’s mouth kicked up in a little smirk, popping a dimple into his right cheek. I didn’t feel any more hurried than before, and went on looking at his regal cheekbones, perfect nose-was that a piercing I saw?- and woah.

The boy had smoldering eyes. Such as flames licking your toes, curling them as he stared at you before leaning in and kissing you smoldering. The lids hung heavy, the lashes looked like a doll’s, thick and black, and the color. Oh that color! If I didn’t see him in person, I would have scoffed and assumed Photoshop had done the work, or maybe contacts. But the bright blue green that flashed at me had no signs of colored contacts. Brittany wore contacts, and I could see the little outline of them on her eyes. No such line existed on the boy’s eyes.

Holy shit. Wow. Where the hell did they come from? Each had the same cheekbones, heavy lids, and dimple when they smirked, as well as the deep olive skin tone that made them look like they lived somewhere like Brazil. Brazil had plenty of beautiful people, right? Or was that Spain?

“So, you’re the newbes.” I concluded, making my voice disinterested. While the boy and girl were very attractive-understatement of the year- I remembered those strange vibes I got when seeing them. I still felt them ebbing onto my conscious, warning me away. I’m not one to argue with the vibes I get, they’re mostly right. And before you ask, no I am not psychic.

“We are the “newbes”. I am Katherine, and this is my twin brother Jackson. We just moved here from Italy, and this is our first day of school.” The girl spoke up, just as disinterested. I was tempted to ask how long it took for her to rehearse her little speech, but decided to be polite. I instead replied,

“That’s nice. I’m supposed to show you guys around, and I’m kinda late to my class, so give me your schedules so I can show you where to go. I’ll meet you guys outside of most of your classes, so just hang by the doorway til I get there. From there, I’ll guide you to your next class.” I held out my hand for their schedules, but Katherine didn’t respond. I turned to the boy.

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