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They're just a usual sweet couple in the school. They would love to do everything together. Maybe like going to school or eating lunch or going home will be the best things for them. But everything isn't going their way. It can't be only the two of them now cause if the want to stick together, they have to stick with the others too.

Somehow, even when they're all together, she is still being hassle by those anti-fan girls. They drag her to the school backyard for the group bully. She's receive lot of scars already.

'Oppa, help me ..'

"What the hell are you actually ?!" The anti-fans leader push Ji Hyo to the wall. "Why aren't you still backing off from him ?" She then receive another slap in her face. Her tears began to fall.

'Jong Kook oppa ..'

"Tell me now ! What is your relationship with Jong Kook oppa ?" The leader grab her collar tightly. Ji Hyo sniff for a few times, trying to breathe properly. But her action caught the leader on fire.

"I had enough of you, let me teach you a lesson !" The leader grab her hand tightly.

'Jong Kook oppa, help me !' She close her eyes in fright. 'Oppa !'

"Yah !" All the anti-fans turn their head to the voice. "What are you girls doing to her ?!"

Gary run to her quickly. She lean her back to the wall and her tears keep running. "Ji Hyo ah"

"This is our problem ! Don't ever try to get involve with it !" The leader try to defend the anti-fans.

"How can I not involve when you're messing with my girlfriend ?!"

"What ?! She is your girlfriend ?" One of the other girls shout. "How come we don't know ?"

Gary look at Ji Hyo in pity. "That is my problem. Don't ever try to get involve with it" Then he glance at the girls. "Why are you even bother to know about her ? About us ?"

The group of anti-fans disbanded in hurry as they feel afraid of the fake misunderstanding. Ji Hyo fall on her knees and keep on crying. Gary then try to comfort her with a handkerchief.


"Why won't you let me help her ? She's my girlfriend !" Jong Kook talking loud.

"Things could be bad if you disclose the secret !" Suk Jin follow him from the back.

"Let it be ! Let the whole world know that she's my girlfriend, my lady"

Suk Jin suddenly grab Jong Kook collar. "Don't you see ? She's hurt because of your crazy fan girls and now you still want to show your concern to her ?"

"Wait" Jong Kook enlarge his small eyes. "Are you saying that this is my fault ? All of this pain things are my fault ?" Jong Kook release the grasp with his hand. "Thank you for your help"

"Oppa" Ji Hyo call him as she arrive with the help of Gary. Jong Kook stop and turn for a while but then he just walk away.


He sit lifelessly on the beach at the school garden. He can't really think right now. His mind is set only on her. The regret that he feel right in his heart when he couldn't help but looking at her in miserable.

When Byul suddenly come to him and said that she was dragged by his no brain fans, Jong Kook hastily ignore his food to quickly redeem her. But Kwang Soo and Haha were stuck in the promise of stop making him act as her true, real boyfriend.

Instead of him, they let Gary charge in and help Ji Hyo free from the crazy bitches, resulting him to punch the wall.

He know what Suk Jin said is true. But he can't accept the fact that he's hurting her beloved lady. He love her so much. He could never bear to see her in disaster. If only he could help.

"When you hurt the people you love, you're bound to hurt yourself too"

Jong Kook turn his head around for the voice of Ji Hyo. Then he's sighing and look away. "The one that hurt the most is you"

She sit beside him. "We are one, aren't we ?"

"I love you to much that I can't forgive myself" He low his head.

She grab his hand right hand and hold it tightly. "If you love me to much then forgive yourself and redeem your wrong" She's then sighing too as he's still lowering his head. "You know I won't just stay still when you're hurt" He look to her.

She smile. "Because I love you to much too"


Guys ! Did you see all the pictures of our Spartace at the fan meet in Beijing ? It's so wonderful ! The sweetness, the closeness, the perfectness, OH I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR IT ! Check it out if you haven't at @spartace7681 ig <3 I'm sure you guys will love it ! Also, don't forget to leave your comment for this new chapter, readers XD Love you guys !

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