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732 28 2

He's in hurry as she has already waiting for him outside the house with her bike. He wear his shoes hastily before he running out the door and lock it firmly. She greet him with a smile.

"Let me ride it" He reach the bike handle.

She blank for a bit. "It is okay ?"

"Babe, I'm a man" She laugh to his English slang and nod. "Alright, let's go !"

He push the pedal to the front and cycle quickly as he know that they're already late for school today. "Oppa, you're to fast !" She shout to remind him but he just keep going and perhaps a little bit more speedy than before. "Hold tight !" He pull her hands to the front as the gesture to hug his waist.

They laugh happily as it's fun having their time together. But suddenly he stop the bicycle. They're just few meters from school gate now. "We should go on our own way now. Be careful" He hand over the bicycle to her and start walking.

"Oppa !" She standing still while stabilizing her bike. "We can still have lunch together right ?" Her blank face show that she's hoping for it.

He smile brightly. "Yeah, of course ! Let's meet with the others too later. See ya"

She nod and smile happily. 'It's fine as long as we're together !'


Jong Kook come out of his classroom as the bell of recess ring. Coincidentally, Ji Hyo is about to pass through his class as she just come from the teacher's office. They're startle for a while.

"Should we go together ?" She say awkwardly.

He smile a bit. "Let's go"

They didn't speak to each other as they feel it's weird to act like they don't know. They then suddenly heard two girls converse about them at the hallway side. "Look at them"

The second girl smile and tell her friend about the well-you-know the actual fact about Ji Hyo. "Don't worry. Her boyfriend is the other guy, not our Kookie oppa"

He bite his tongue and look at her. She smile to show him that she understand. Well, the actual fact that only they know about her real and reel boyfriends in school. They're grinning before she open the class door.

"Good afternoon, does Gary oppa in here ?" She ask to the nearest student.

"Oh, Song Ji Hyo right ?" She nod. That guy suddenly smile teasingly. "Yah Kang Gary ! Your girlfriend is here"

"Yah Gil ah ! Don't say it to loud" Gary cover his friend mouth. But quickly remove by Gil himself. "Why ? Your girlfriend is so beautiful, aren't you proud of her ?"

"Shut up" Gary gesture with his point finger to his lip and sigh but Gil still doesn't give up. "Oh, Jong Kook hyung is here" He walk to the big guy who's leaning his back to the wall. "Hyung, don't you think you're disturbing their time ?"

Gary eyes enlarge. "Yah ! What are saying ?"

Jong Kook sigh quietly. "I'll go ahead" He then walk away while raising his hand to bid a temporary goodbye.

Gil laugh happily without notice the real situation and he give Gary a headlock. "Aha ! Never say thank, I'm just helping my friend" Gary just frowning while taking a glance of Ji Hyo.

With the look of worry, she sigh slowly.


"Ji Hyo ah, I'm sorry" Gary say as they walk to the school café together. And there she goes again, staring with her blank face. "Why are you apologizing ?"

"Well, I think that Jong Kook hyung is hurt now so you must be worry. And, that's why"

She laugh slowly. "Don't worry, this little thing won't effect our love badly" She smile confidently to him. "Oh !" Suddenly she running pass Gary as she see Jong Kook leaning his back to the wall while talking to Kwang Soo. "Oppa"

"Ji Hyo ah" he smile brightly. "I've been waiting for you. Should we ?" he ask her as he show the lunch that he already bought for them.


They're sitting under the tree at the garden of the back of school. They sit on a mat that precisely prepare by Byul for them. Except for Ji Hyo and Jong Kook, everyone chatting happily with their lunch food while the two of them sit at the bench at the side of the garden.

"It's not so long before my graduation day" He look upon the sky. Ji Hyo smile teasingly. "Seem likes you can't wait for it"

He grin naughtily. "I am"

"Are you getting jealous over something oppa ?" She laugh as she can't lose to him.

"W-what ? I-I'm not !"

She laugh again. "But how did you end up having Kookie as your nickname ?"

"I know right ! I'm not aware that a big guy like me could have such a cute nickname"

"Maybe sometimes you're unaware about some cute movements that you have show them" She smile happily as she remember some irresistible cute moments of him. She laugh when the recent scene pop-up of her mind. "Like when you bite your tongue earlier"

"That is cute ?" He surprise himself.

"Yeah, so cute that I feel like kissing you !" That come out of her mouth with a little bit much of enthusiastic that it caught all their friends' attention. She's on focus now.

They're all laugh after the quite attention. "Seem likes you can't wait for it" Haha start to tease her that she hide her face behind Jong Kook's back. Her red, embarrassing face.

"Ohoho, noona ! You're really something" Kwang Soo also add up the ruckus but then he's stop by Jong Kook. "Yah, yah, stop that" Everyone laugh teasingly. They then focus on cleaning their lunch that it make Ji Hyo feel better. But suddenly Jong Kook whisper to her with a smile.

"I guess we can do it next time" He grin naughtily. Her eyes enlarge and her face turn really red that she can't stop herself from shouting.

"Oppa !"


New chapter coming through ! How it is guys ? Leave your comment please, i'll appreciate it shooo much <3 THANK YOU SPARTACERS ! SPARTACE JJANG !

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