Wishes and Smiles

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What is it like to have friends? I'm not asking for more, but one is enough. It's unfair that I have to sit alone during lunch and all my classes. I'm that one kid that never get picked to be someone's partner. I grew up as a lonely child all my life. Imagine having friends. What would I do first? What can I do with them? I'm sorry for ranting about this shit since there isn't anyone around me that I can complain to. Anyway, my name is Myles. I live in the bigger part of the city so being lonely isn't a very fun thing. I often get jealous when I see people playing basketball in the court, wishing I had the guts to ask them if I can join along. Maybe if I had a friend to comfort my loneliness I wouldn't be wishing to be able to play with those older guys. I guess my fate is within my options somewhere if I look for it in the right place or maybe listen to it. 

Soccer. More soccer. Finally we ended soccer. I never favor soccer so having to come to practice everyday is stupid. I don't know anyone well enough to considered them teammates or a friend I can talk to, or even say hi. Maybe the reason why no one really likes me is because I don't smile. Smile in my opinion is very unnatural when you aren't even close to being happy. I can force myself to smile, but that isn't what a smile is. I don't really have any kind of emotions or feelings for anyone my whole life. Never had a crush on someone. Why a crush if I don't even have a friend yet. I mean she can be my only friend but every girl here is very judgmental. I don't even bother to try anymore.

Today, was a pretty sunny day for soccer, unlike yesterday's wet and soggy field. As I was leaving my locker a little boy came by and told me that my life will take a turn today. I chuckled. Can it really?  I look at him and he whisper back, "Trust me, I'm telling the truth. Fine. If you don't trust me then you will have to see for yourself on your way home." I immediately thought he was trying to tell me that I will end up in a car accident walking home. Should I be worry? I cringe a little and reply, "Alright, I will see for myself. But. But. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" I somehow managed to stutter a little. He started to laugh and finally burst, "OF COURSE IT'S A GOOD THING YOU SILLY GOOSE!," and ran off, out of the locker room. I was surprised for a while but wasn't really sure if that was someone's little brother or he was some little shit that likes to prank people into believing that he was a fortune teller. Either way, I can't stop thinking about it.  

It was actually a pretty nice day to walk even though my thighs are all sore from that match earlier. It had to be one of the most intense practice I been to. I'm a midfielder and I enjoy it alright until someone kicked the ball into my direction. Like I said, I DON'T LIKE to play soccer. My mom always wanted a son who can play soccer like a professional, so that started my soccer career when I was only 6. After turning 14, I begged her to not make me play soccer and let me decide on the things I want to focus on, but my mother is stubborn and told me if I play long enough I will favor how unique soccer is. If I had another brother I could have been saved from all this stupid soccer thing but my life was meant for me and myself. Being the only child sucks because I'm 15  and I'm still being treated like I'm 6. Well what else can go wrong in my shitty life. 

Okay, I'll tell you what's wrong. After walking for some time I found a little card on the sidewalk. I know what you're thinking. Why the hell would I pick up a card that been on the sidewalk for eternity. Well, let me explain. THE DAMN CARD WAS GLOWING! I repeat, GLOWING. You know that magical light coming from an unknown object? Yes, that is the glowing I saw. There was no way I can let that lay there without taking a quick look. What if it's gold? Or worse it's drugs that seem to be magical since it's glowing. Either way, I'm still opening it. The card seem pretty bold and kinda heavy, with one side being a little more unbalance. The cover just read, "Fate," and I'm pretty sure this is a birthday card....or not. 

DEFINITELY NOT! I opened the card, and there laid a ring and a coin. I'm pretty sure the ring is made out of gold since it's blinding me and extremely heavy, even though it is thin and small. I wonder if this is a wedding ring? Oh shit. Now what? Looking on the left side of the card, I can see some tinted writing. 

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