Chapter 2

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Dedicated to the girl who annoyed me continuously for this chapter. Hope you enjoy :)

I originally planned this chapter differently but when I was typing it out, it came out differently and then my computer crashed just after I finished typing the chapter but before I could save it, then I had to type it again in the middle of the night. As you can see, it took me quite a while to write this and I faced a lot of writer's block and hardships on the way (maybe, I'm just exaggerating it a bit). 

Comment!!! Please. Thank you.


I stood there looking down on him with my my sword pointing at his neck with my blade touching his flesh. One false move and it's over for him.

"You lost" I said to him, loud enough so everyone heard.

I'm not saying he's horrible at fighting. But his moves where predictable and easily blocked.

But what happened next, I didn't predict.

I heard an all too familiar sound to my right. The sound of a blade slicing through air. A sound I sometimes created and stopped.

My head turned reflexively towards the sound, only to find a dagger thrown towards and aiming for me.

Shit.. This is suppose to be a one-on-one fight. No interruptions. A fair and square match between 2 pirates. Who am I kidding?

Pirates never play fair.

Before I could react to block the dagger or to dodge it, Marcus blocked me. He blocked the dagger's pathway from me, stepped right in between.

He also got hit by the dagger instead of me.

The dagger pierced his left shoulder. I saw he had to bit his lip to keep himself from shouting in pain. 

I went to his side, completely disregarding the enemy I have on the floor to look at Marcus's wound. I couldn't care less about the mistake I was making. Turning your back to the enemy was one of the biggest mistakes that could ever be done.

But I didn't care.

I examined Marcus's shoulder. Shit.. it's pierced pretty deep. There's no choice, it'll cause a lot of pain but I couldn't leave the dagger in his shoulder so I took the dagger out as quickly as I could to cause the least amount of pain as I could and placed it at my belt. It could be used for later.

He'll have to continue to fight like this.

We went in our usual position, back-to-back, facing everyone, waiting for their fist move, their first mistake.

"I could have blocked it myself" I said to Marcus, not loud enough for the others to hear.

"You were slow" was his only reply.

Me? slow? I'm one of the best fighters on the ship. I trained Marcus. And he dares call me slow. Even though I was caught off guard there, I could have blocked at the last second escaping with a cut on my cheek if I was fast enough but a block is still a block, right?

From the corner of my eye, I look at his wound then his face. His face tells me it was nothing but I knew better.

I trained him to never show weakness to the enemy, even if you're stabbed from the back by a person you thought was an ally, never show anyone weakness.

A lot of blood is flowing from his wound. I need to end this fast. That would be okay if it wasn't for the number of pirates they had on this ship. There's plenty here and there's even more on my ship, battling my crewmates.

I looked at Marcus's wound once more. It would be ideal for Marcus to not fight at all but we aren't in an ideal situation right now. I'll have to take most of these out myself. And I'll give the guy who threw a dagger at me a special treat.

Yep, He's going to pay.

I saw a slight movement from the corner of my right eye, a guy shifting his feet positions, with just that I knew he was going to attack Marcus and aim for his wounded shoulder.

I stepped in before his attack could hit Marcus, parried it and countered and before he fell I grabbed his sword so I now had 2. 

I attacked the guy behind him but he was expecting it, so before he could react I counter-attacked. He fell.

I look over my shoulder to see Marcus holding out on his own. He'll last for a while, not a long while, but a while all the same. While I tried to find that no good captain to finish our duel before it was so rudely interrupted.

I fought a few people, that I didn't really pay attention to, not really knowing what I was doing, years of doing this is like a second nature to me, like breathing, while my mind was free to handle this situation.

I analysed the situation.

Marcus was wounded, enemy captain is missing and I got a date to beat up the guy who threw the dagger. Hmm... I got a lot of things to do.

I finally found him, the enemy captain. All the way across the deck. Tsk. He's trying to not fight me. 

Right then I bump into the mast and I got a great idea. 

I grabbed the two heads of my opponents and smashed them together. They groaned and collapsed.

I climbed all the way to the highest deck right opposite of where that idiot captain was. I grabbed a rope that was connected to the mast and took a few steps back and swang all the way to where the enemy captain was. I knocked a few of the enemies into the water and landed on my feet right in front of him. 

"Our match isn't over yet" I said.

"I never thought it was" he replied.

He came charging at me. This time he was not just swinging his sword at me, he was actually thinking where he was swinging it. Impressive.

Something caught my eye from Marcus's side. I saw a figure behind him, the guy who threw the dagger. He was going to hit Marcus from behind and Marcus was too preoccupied with the 3 guys he's fighting to notice.

No. Marcus's movement is much faster than that and he would never be caught off guard like that.

Shit.. the wound is already affecting his movements.

Shit.. Marcus is in trouble.

The enemy captain was doing an overcut but I couldn't be bothered by that now. I took the dagger from my belt and threw it at the figure, all my years as a pirate, the skills I earned from it, I'm putting it to the test now, aiming for that one spot, his wrist.

I crossed my swords at the last second to prevent my head being cut by the blade, but only managed to block part of it and it cut my forehead just above my left eye.

When I partially blocked the overcut, I was not very stable and it didn't help that I was at the water's edge too. My footwork from shooting the dagger wasn't exactly helping me.

Which made things worse as I fell off the side of the ship.

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