Chapter 1

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Multimedia: Chase Morgan

"Who's the owner of this fucking house?"
"I am, any problem?"
That was the last thing I said before getting punched  in the face. After that, things happened in a second or less. We started fistfighting as the cheers were rising. This kept going until a dude started beating the face of the basketball team captain. This was the perfect time to skedaddle.
The only thing that was in my mind was this party I threw, and how it was the worst decision I've made in a while. My mum was out of town for a business meeting and I thought it'd be cool to threw a party. It apparently wasn't.

I looked at the mirror, my nose was bleeding and my knuckles were hurting because of the fistfight. I washed my face slowly and leave the bathroom. There were people in the hallway dancing to the loud music and they were complaining about the bourbon. I went downstairs and checked if the fight was still going on. Fortunately, that shitface and his friends were gone.
I grumbled "I hope this shit is over.." and went to the kitchen. One minute later I was in the backyard drinking bourbon. I used to drink only beer, now whenever my mum is gone I drink bourbon. What I'm gonna say might sound cheesy but the reason why I started drinking it, was here, New Orleans. I was born and raised here, everything that've ever happened to me was somehow connected with New Orleans. It was not just a city for me, it was more. More that I can't even put it in words. Bourbon St. was the first place I remember seeing, also the first place I got beaten up. So it was not very surprising for me to drink bourbon. Every now and then when I drink bourbon, it feels like the first time I saw Bourbon St., many bad stuff happened there, good as well.

I made a rapid move and stand up as I heard the sirens of the police car. Neighbors must have called the police.
I ran to the living room and shouted on the top of my lungs "Police is here!". In less than a minute, living room and hallway were empty.
"Police did, what I couldn't." I said with a smirky face.
Honestly, my mood was great until I heard the doorbell. I ran to the door and opened it slowly. A cop and a guy was in front of me. The guy showed me his badge and said "NOPD. I'm detective Bradley, can I speak to Chase Morgan?". I tried to smile politely and said "You already are sir."
"I'm sorry for your loss, young men. Ms. Morgan was on the flight which had a big crash."
"What?" In that moment what I felt was nothing familiar. That was the only time that I felt so complicated, first I felt like I couldn't breathe, then my lungs were exploding. After that, I freaked out, I was in a rage. The last and the worst, I felt like my life was over, nothing could've changed this. It was so painful to hear all the things detective said. I was intensively sad that I could feel my heartbeats in every single part of my body. Being sad had never been this painful to me.
All these happened in less than a second. Detective said some shit to relief and help me but all I heard was noises. None of them was clear enough for me to pay attention. My head was exploding, I was overthinking but none of my thoughts were clear..

We arrived to the station and they asked me some questions that I barely answered. I still have no idea why I did that but I was waiting. I was waiting for nothing. I had no one nor a thing to wait for.
While I was swimming through the ocean in my mind I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Daniel, our family lawyer and a family friend of my mother. Even though he was only 26, he was very successful with his work life. My mum always told me to be like him, he did what he want but he also knew
where to stop.
"Daniel.." I said with a quit voice. My eyes were probably so fucking red.
"I know." He was crying too. He sat next to me and wrapped me around. I didn't have many friends. Especially close ones like Daniel and my mum. Now my mum was gone and all I got left was Daniel. I remember it like yesterday, when I was eleven my mum and I went to Daniel's family's lake house. It was his 20th birthday. We celebrated it and on that day we promised each other that we will be like brothers. I was so dumb as a kid but he never made me feel that way. Every kid in the school called me loser for telling them that I had a brother and he was 9 years older than me and he was so cool. Daniel taught me how to deal with them.

"Yes?" He said while wiping his tears.
"Do you remember when I got bullied in school and you taught me how to deal with those dumbass kids?" I tried to smile along with my red and wet eyes.
He smiled back, "Of course."
"Now, I hope you teach me how to deal with this too."
It was hard for him to not cry, it was harder for me to accept and face what've happened. Crying was out of my control. Facing things weren't. I chose to not tell it to myself. I was not eleven anymore but I was still dumb.

We left the station together and started driving to Daniel's house. On our way we talked about what will happen to me. I was only seventeen. I was gonna be a parish boy if we couldn't find a foster home for me. To be honest, I didn't give a damn shit about it. I didn't care. I would love to live with Daniel, I knew that he was so busy and they wouldn't let me stay with him. He told me that he will make some calls to find me a home. What he didn't know was what means a home to me was dead. That was the time that I faced with the truth.

Sun was newly rising. "This will be the first day of the rest of my life.." That was the last thing I said before I fell asleep.

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