Chapter 3

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Multimedia: Raven Cross

The sun was shining to my face through the window. Today was 14th of September and it was cold as hell.
I was sitting on my bed, looking the grey carpet on the floor for few minutes. I was thinking about what've happened. Thinking was the only thing I could do at those times, at least that's what I thought.
I yawned and checked the time. It was 6.37 am. I stood up and headed to the bathroom. This place was great but it didn't felt like home. It was secure and it made me feel secure but that was it. I felt lonely. This wasn't my home.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My blue eyes were tired of crying and they were turning into red. I barely slept last night. Hours of crying made me tired and I finally could fall asleep.

I washed my hands and brushed my teeth then I decided to take a shower. There were three bathrobes hanging on the wall. I guessed they belonged to the twins and Raven. I grabbed the white towel and turned on the cold water as I got in the shower. Cold water was pouring loudly but I all could hear was the voices in my head.

Raven told me that I should be ready at 7am if I wanted to go with her and that was definitely what I wanted. It'd be better than going there alone. At least no one would stare at me and talk shit about my life. Raven was the captain of the basketball team so I hoped that being friends with her would ease my school life, at least the bullies.

I turned off the water, got out of the shower and wiped myself with the white towel. It was 6.50am when I was done wearing the uniform which was a white shirt and black pants with a black jacket and a tie with the emblem of the school. I tucked a notebook and some of the books that Mr. Cross gave me last night. Then I ran to the bathroom and started to dry my black hair with the hairdryer. I didn't take so long. I put on my shoes, grabbed my backpack and went downstairs.

The fresh smell of the breakfast made me change my way to the kitchen. Aunt Margaret was preparing the breakfast. As Mr. Cross told me that Aunt Margaret had been working with them for many years now. She was helping Cross family with the chores and she was looking after the twins.

"Good morning young man." She said with her British accent and her happy voice.
"Good morning Aunt Margaret," I said.
"Mr. Cross is in his office, he doesn't want to be bothered in there. Keep this in mind. Mrs. Cross went to work. Twins are sleeping."
I smiled. "Thanks for the info. I'm heading out. Have a good day."

I handled the doorknob and hoped that Raven was waiting for me. I opened the door, she was waiting.
"Good morning, sorry if I'm late." I said while I was approaching her.
"Not a problem but I wasn't gonna wait another minute." She said with a charismatic smile. There was no explanation for that smile, it was just how Raven is, charismatic but.. Weird.
Unlike me she was wearing red basketball shorts and a grey t-shirt with running shoes. It was September but not that hot to wear those kind of clothes at 8am.
I learned that she likes to run every morning before school and she changes when she arrives there after I asked. Honestly, I wasn't a big fan of running but it looked like I had to run this time.

We started talking about school and Raven's life as we were running around the neighborhood and the forest-like place behind Raven's house. We did this for a good 40 minutes, then we started running to the school.
"I know, you probably think that since it's a private school all the kids are cocky and rich. But not all of them like that, especially my friends." She said and laughed. I laughed back.
It was 8am when we arrived at school. She went to the locker room to take a shower and to change. I was hungry since I didn't have breakfast. But it didn't cause any problem because that was a thing I was used to.
I checked my text messages and emails while I was waiting Raven. It took 20 minutes for her to take shower,dry her hair and get dressed.

"We probably take most of the classes together. My dad must've talked to the principal about, you know.. Stuff. Our first class is vector algebra." She didn't want to talk about the 'stuff'. That was good. Not talking about it was good for me.

"Cool, I like algebra." I said with a smile.
"We will see that. Now I have to go to class. You should talk to the principal first." She laughed.
Thanks to Raven's perfect directions it took 10 minutes for me to find the principal's office in this huge building.

When my eyes caught the words 'Principal's Office', I breathed out and knocked on the door politely and took a step forward.

"Good morning, Mr.," I took a quick look on the wall, there were many certificates and there was a name on every one of them. It was George Lawrence. "Mr. Lawrence." I finished my sentence.
"Good morning, you must be Chase Morgan." He said as he checked some documents and papers. "Mr. Cross called me and I'm aware of your condition. If there is anything about the school that you want to ask or if you have any problems, I would like you to come to me first." I nodded my head.
"You and Raven Cross take most of the classes together, except from chemistry and literature. I'll make sure that student affairs emails you your schedule. Welcome to the Lawrence Academy." He smiled and I left principal's room.

I tried to find where the vector algebra class1 is but this school was nothing like I can figure out by myself. I asked a girl where the class is. Definitely, her directions were clearer than Raven's.
When I found the class it was 8.40am that means I was 10 minutes late to the class. I knocked on the door again and opened the door.
The teacher let me in and started talking. "Hey everyone," after he got the attention he wanted, he continued "This is Chase Morgan, he will be with us for this class." Then he turned to me and said "You can sit." He kept going on the lesson. Kids were looking at each other and gossiping. Gossips were all about me. Some of the girls were whispering about my eyes and how mysteriously hot I am. That was definitely weird to hear.
As I observed the class, my blue eyes caught a pair of brown, narrow and slightly slant eyes. They weren't looking pleased. I turned my eyes away just to find Raven. I sat down near her while I was following those eyes until they stopped glancing.

I looked at Raven and whispered "It's surprising for me to find a empty seat next to you."
"That's a problem because it isn't. You gotta find a new seat later, my best friend is absent today." She grinned.
"Yeah, your friends.." I said and laughed quietly.
In that lesson we didn't really paid attention to the teacher. Raven made funny faces and I tried so hard not to laugh my ass of.
During the break time we went to the lockers and putted my stuff in there, then we took the books we needed for the next lesson and we walked to the yard and sat on a bench.
"Where were you from?"
"New Orleans, I love there so fucking much."
"You're going to love here too, I swear. Especially my gang."
"Your gang?" I smiled with curiosity.
"Yep, my closest friends. Carmen, Lucas, Isaac, Noah and Olivia. I'm sure they'll like you. They like creeps."
We started laughing at that moment until the lesson started. On our way to the class we saw Lucas and Isaac. I found out that they were brothers and Lucas was dating Carmen who was absent today.

School day wasn't that bad, I had a lot of fun with Raven and her 'gang'. Some kids tried so hard to stay away from me, I didn't know exactly the reason but probably it was because of that guy. Let me clear things for you, he'd give you the vibes that you aren't welcomed. He just made me feel like a piece of used toilet paper; worthless in the beginning, still worthless in the end.
Also he looked like those popular kids. Probably what he does was using people for his intentions and just acting like they're rubbish. If he didn't want someone no one would want, that's how it worked for me.
As I and Raven were heading out of school, I came across with those brown eyes. They were still unpleasant but also furious.

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