Chapter 13

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Brick pov~

We get to the doctor office, and Bubbles goes and signing in. We take a sit, and soon Bubbles sat next to me. I am glad a came Bubbles I said holding her hand.  She smiles and nod her head because she is still drinking her milkshake. Soon this man walked up to us, and Bubbles smiled. Hey doctor bubbles said in a cheerful voice. Hell Mrs.Bubbles I see you came with some new people! he said looking at us. Yes this is my boyfriend and the father Brick, and Those guys over there fighting are his twin brothers Butch and Boomer, and you know Mojo my boyfriend dad she said smiling. 

He looks at me and shakes my hand, Nice to meet you sir I am Dr. Smith and Congrats on the baby he said. Thank you nice to meet you too I hope you have been taking care of my Bubbles I said shaking his hand back. Well lets go get you check-out Bubbles you all want to come see the baby? The doctor asked. Hell Ya Butch said walking over to us. BUTCH MOUTH! Bubbles yelled, looking at Butch very mad. Sorry bubbles may we? Butch said hiding behind me.

We walk in a room to see one big sit and Mojo helps Bubbles sit on it. The doctor walks over to Bubbles. Why are you all the way other there? he asked looking at me. I walked over to Bubbles and hold her hand. So can we find out what the baby is today? Bubbles asked. Yes I many the baby will be coming soon since you are 8 months pregnant and I understand you didn't want to do until your guy was here so today we will find out Dr.Smith smiled at Bubbles. 

So here is the baby guys Bubbles said Butch, Boomer, and me were in a amazement to see something so small.  And the baby is a boy and looks like it is perfectly healthy one at that Dr.Smith said. YES I yelled getting up and jumping around. Bubbles just smiles and looks at us all jumping like stupid people. Bubbles was laughing softly thanking the doctor and walking out. We get back to the car and made our way baby store and start to pick things for the room. Once we got home Bubbles try to carry stuff but everytime she did we would take the things away. We told her to go lay down for a bit and once we need her we will get her. 

She walks off and upstairs and sits down once we have everything and paint the room. Butch went and got Bubbles and we did the room. 

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The baby room looks great and we try to make it more boy but Bubbles said no. There was a knock the door. I went down and answered the door to see Blossom and Buttercup and some man standing at the door. What do you guys want? I asked letting opening the door all the way. We want to talk to Bubbles please the guy said. hmm come in I said taking them to the living room and told Butch to watch them as I go get Bubbles. 

Bubbles Pov~

I was in me and Brick room putting away clothes went I felt arms around my neck. Brick whats up? I asked stilling putting away clothes. Some people are here to see you Brick said a little anger in his voice. I nod my head and made my way downstairs with Brick. I walked into the living room to see Blossom, Buttercup, and the Professor sitting on the couch. I walked over to them and look at them. What are you guys doing here I asked slowly sitting down as Brick and Butch stand. Bubbles you got big Buttercup said looking at me. Why you! that's because she is .... Butch said before I cut him off. Butch can you and Brick go to Mac Donald's and get me a Big Mac, Fries, Milk Shakes, and Chicken Sand-witch please I asked looking at them. Yes sis no problem Butch said walking out the door. Boomer is upstairs and so is Mojo if you need help ok? Brick said looking at me. 

Yes thank you very much lov I got it from here I said smiling at him as he and Butch leave. I turn my face to look at Blossom, Buttercup, and the Professor. I am fat Because I am pregnant with Brick soon to be son I said a bit rude. What! Blossom said looking mad as hell. The Professor just looked at me with a sad look. I can't believe you Bubbles I knew you were a whore! Blossom said. And that cut me down and put me in tears. I think you all should leave now! I said. No we are not done talking now you are going to shut up and listen to us! Buttercup said. We are making to make sure Brick, Butch, Boomer, and Mojo are in jail forever your going to give that baby up, and you will come home now! Blossom said. 

NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT! I yelled making Boomer come downstairs. What is going on here Boomer said walking in the room. Boomer go call the police! I said to him as he went and called the police. Bubbles we will do it or you can just leave with us now! Buttercup said. No I can't believe you guys I said but I soon felt I pain and I got up but fall. Bubbles! Brick yelling running over to me. Brick! they said mean thinks I want them in jail now!! I said as the police walked in. Whats going on in here? the police officer said. Blossom, Buttercup, and The Professor is not welcome in my house i told them to get out they won't and they said they will put my family in jail and take my baby away if I dont listen ahhh! I said screaming in pain again.  Something is wrong! I need to get to the hospital like now! I said holding my belly. Brick picked me up and take me to the hospital, and they said I was going in to labor because of the stress I was in. 

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