Chapter 1 : Prologue

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Chapter 1

  The first time I saw him, I never gave a damn. He was but a ghost that blended within humans. The first time I noticed him, we were waiting for our next class, he was with his friends talking nonchalantly. The first time I really took notice of him, I was sitting in the classroom waiting for our only class of the day. When he entered the room, magically he took my breath away. I never really knew what made me go gaga over him, was it his new hairstyle that made him look like he was from the great Gatsby or his cute features? I don't know. All I knew was that I was crushing on him, HARD.

But that was not just the only problem I was facing, I don't even know his name! How could I even fall for a guy who I don't even know. Though I think that was why I was drawn to him; because he was mysterious. The saying from E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly, "it's the unknown that draws people" screams what I'm feeling.      

Days have passed and yet I still have no name. And each day that seemed to pass, I felt like I was falling for him more. Suddenly just realizing that I'm slowly taking notice of him, his smile, his eyes and well, just him.

Somehow today felt different though. Like something was going to happen. So I was on my senses for anything. But so far, it was the same old routine. Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Rose Pavé, a Chemistry major student. And life has never been boring, especially in Chemistry. Where we get burnt and exposed to fumes almost everyday of the week. " to pass your assignment next class. I'll see you in the lab." Our professor said and walked out. I turned to my seatmate and asked "what did she say?" And Taylor replied with "Answer exercises 19.31-19.55 on a piece of bondpaper." I muttered a thanks and quickly went to eat brunch. Mondays are the worst. Behind me, my best friend, Raven was talking about his girlfriend and how his date went. I kept nodding off and started humming Roses by the Chainsmokers when suddenly Raven told me that HE and his friends were behind us. "Are you sure?! He doesn't even go this way! Or eat lunch downstairs." I whispered, not daring to look back. But Raven just had to grin and I know it meant trouble. "Don't you dare.." I started but his grin got bigger if it was possible. And he grabbed my arm and pulled me backwards towards him. And hugged me. WHAT. THE. HELL. I struggled to get free but it was no use. I saw he and his friends look at us and snickered, some cat calling and he was just staring and was the first one to walk away from us, his friends following him. Once they were out of sight, I looked at Raven and said "Some best friend you are." And walked away. Raven was trailing behind me with a huge smile on his face. Gosh I want to punch his face.

Finally after eating brunch we headed towards the laboratory. The Lab was the only interesting and fun subject I enjoy. And for today's experiment, we get to do aldehydes and ketones. My partner and I split the work to cover more and can finish faster. As I was doing brisk walking towards one of the chemical stations, we bumped into each other. "Sorry" we said at the same time. Despite the poker face I had on, I was on cloud nine. My heart was beating faster and when he was far, I felt my face heat up. 'We just bumped into each other! And said sorry at the same time!' I screamed in my mind. I set my feelings aside to finish my tasks at the lab. Having this great mood around me. I know, I'm weird but a girl can dream.

The day went on faster than expected and I went straight to my part-time job. Today was great and unexpected. And I'll treasure it. After taking a bath and eating dinner, before I went to bed, I grabbed a pen and a little book under my pillow that read "Diary".


Dear Diary,

Today was the best day of my life! The lecture was boring but well I have to listen to pass. Raven did the most crazy thing! And HE saw it all. I know he doesn't like me but I wish we could be friends. *sighs* And still, I don't know his name. Even when he and his friends sit behind me in calculus, I can't even hear them mutter his name. But I wish I'd atleast know. Oh right, before I forget. We bumped into each other at the lab! And said sorry at the same time. His voice was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! He might not remember it and might find me a nuisance because of it but I hope he won't. Today at work the kids and I were able to cover a lot on their Math although AJ was having a hard time. He'll pull through. I'll end it here for today. Good night.


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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