The Overview

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The way that society is made, we have leaders and the others are followers. The followers are only supposed to do what they are told, they are not supposed to have their own thoughts; all they do is follow. But, what if they want to lead? What if the followers have their own ideas that they want to share and they want others to know about? Well that was the beginning of it all. 

People started to think about how things could be different with society, how things could improve, how everyone could be equal. The elders of the society taught the children not to have thoughts like that, that they needed to follow rules for the good of the world, country, and society of human kind. Well what they kept a secret was that some people didn't follow the rules of the leaders, but they had to hide underground to stay safe from the "destroyers". The destroyers are the workers for the leaders who kill the ones who think different than the others because they know that if their ideas get out into the "protected ones" that everything would change. The "protected ones" are the followers of the leaders, they brain wash them to think that they have to follow the leaders to be protected from the "rats". The "rats" are just the disgusting name the leaders gave the people who hide underground because they are different, which to the leaders and to the "protected ones" is a bad thing.

No one knows who the ultimate leader is, nor do they know what they look like, sound like, etc. They are extremely protected from the "rats" who try to kill them because of the conditions that the leader made them live under to stay safe from the same people who promised to keep them safe. Some people never know in their lifetime who the leader is, the closest they get to knowing who the leader is a name right before they get put to sleep by the doctor. No human is allowed to live over the age of 70 because of the population issues that the leader has created. Each married couple has to have at least 2 children to stay safe from the "destroyers", who can also kill infertile women and men. They need as many soldiers as possible, so they passed a law that if you don't have 2 children by the time you are 30 then you get put in a place where they find out if you can have kids. If you can't have kids you are killed, if you can have kids, but haven't had any they pick a man to rape you if you are a female. If you are a male and you can't have kids you are automatically inducted into the army, if you can have kids they give you a choice, rape or get killed. So this is where our story begins...

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