The Beginning

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I was just on my way to school when I heard something strange coming from the sewers, I started to open the top of one when I heard Sierra yell "Cadence! Hurry we are going to be late!" So I started jogging to school to catch up with her. I got into my first period which was history where we talked about the "rats" trying to raise up against the leaders, just when the class got silent and Mrs. Lattimore stopped talking about it the bell rang for second period.

"Aren't those 'rats' just the worst?" asked Sierra on our way to gym. 

"I guess so."

"What do you mean you guess so?" Sierra sounded so offended and a hint of fear in her eyes.

"I don't really want to talk about that right now, that was a rough class." I said that just trying to get her to stop talking about it so that my nerves would calm down.

We made it to gym, they did the role call and sent us to the locker room as usual. I'm usually the last one out because I like to waste as much time as possible not doing exercise. I was waiting on a bench in the locker room while Sierra and everyone else was changing when I heard something. I had never heard it before in that kind of tone.

"Cadence..." the voice said very rasp-ally, I asked Sierra if she heard that and she said no and gave me a weird look like I was crazy.

"Help us!

I thought I was going crazy when I saw an eye in the drain in the floor of the locker room. The creature and I made eye contact for what felt like a long time, but in reality it was about 5 seconds. Sierra saw me staring at the drain and she tapped my shoulder, I jumped and everyone just looked at me. I never really did tell her what I saw that day or what I heard. All I told her was that I was hallucinating again and she should just ignore what happened. And that is exactly what she did, she never brought it up again.

That night I just lay there staring at the ceiling trying to figure out what that was in the sewer earlier and in the drain. Was it the same creature? How did it know my name? Why did it need help? I couldn't just lay there and sleep it off, it bothered me that it needed help and I just ignored it. So I got up put some shoes on, grabbed a flash light, and creeped out the window. 

I got to the yard when I saw Sierra's light come on seen her shuffle around in her room. I saw the blinds start to open so I turned my light off and jumped behind a bush. She looked for a while then eventually she went back to sleep, and I was off to find what that was in the sewer. 

I got to the middle of the street 2 blocks away from my house just in case someone else decided to wake up and interrupt me. I knelt down very cautiously to make sure that I didn't do anything to draw attention to myself. I whispered in the hole of the top of the sewer cap, "Hello?" Nobody answered so then I proceeded to open the cap to go into the sewers and find out what was down there when I heard a voice.

"Cadence? Is that you?"

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