Chapter 6

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Miyuki woke up with a throbbing headache 'Ugh, where am I?" she asked herself. As her vision was getting clearer someone came in her room.

"Miyuki, feeling better?" her father asked worriedly

"Dad? Yes, i'm feeling better, sorry for making everyone worry."

"No need to apologize dear. Get back to sleep, you need rest"

"Dad, i still have to do my homeworks. Rest can wait later."

"Miyuki-" "Dad, i'm fine, please let me do my homeworks." 

Her father gave a sigh then nodded. 

"Don't push yourself to much." her father said before exiting her room.

Miyuki got up and went straight to the bathroom to freshen up. She kept thinking of the past activities that had happened and how careless she was to forget her medicine.

'Stupid me, forgetting my medicine.' she mumbled 


"Good morning Miyuki!" Luke greeted her as she was taking a seat next to him.

"Morning, where's Darryl?" she asked

"You're brother? His still in his room i think." he replied 

The two ate their breakfast in silence not bothering to talk. When they finished they proceeded to the car. Once they were seated they kept talking none stop, like they were childhood friends who got separated for some unknown reason.

"Geez, for a girl you are really forgetful." Luke laughed

"I'm still human Luke, of course I tend to forget stuffs from time to time." Miyuki replied with an annoyed look

"Haha, okay you got a point but don't you think that taking your medicine is the last thing you'd forget?"

"That surprised me as well, I didn't expect to forget that."

"We are here" The driver told them

The two got out of the car and entered the large gates of the school. Luke told Miyuki how he was nervous but decided to hide it by putting up a cool face. They made there way to their designated classrooms and started interacting with their classmates. Although no one else what happened to Miyuki she can't shake this bad feeling in her. She just decided to ignore thinking it will affect her studies if she paid more attention to it. Little did she know that she will regret ignoring it.

"Okay, settle down class, " the teacher came  "Let's resume our topic yesterday."


"Please answer page 125 on your textbook and it will be due tomorrow" the class groaned but the teacher didn't seem to hear as she left the classroom going to her next class.

"Hey Miyuki!" Madel, the student council treasurer approached her

"What's up Madel? Do you need something?"

"I just approached you and you think that I want something? Can't a friend to her friend?"

"Oh, okay. What do you want to talk about?"

"I heard what happened yesterday. Don't try to hide it cause i can see through you and your mom told my aunt about that's why i know."

Miyuki sighed, man her mom was so talkative.

"Anyways how are you? I can't believe you are stupid enough to forget drinking your meds." Madel angrily said

"No need to get mad, i promise to not forget drinking my medicine." Miyuki told her while raising her right hand. 

"Don't forget it or else i'll get mad at you."

Miyuki and Madel knew each other since they were 11, they're close but they don't often hang out anymore. The next teacher came in and told the students to go back to their seats.

"Let's eat lunch together" Madel told her then proceeded to her seat at the back. 

As soon as class has ended the two made there way to the cafeteria not before stopping into Luke's classroom cause he doesn't know his way around the academy. Madel and Luke unexpectedly got along well. Miyuki then looked at the two and a grin appeared in her face.

"Miyuki don't do that for no reason it's creepy." Luke told her

"How mean." Miyuki pouted

"Hurry up you two! Flirting can wait later but i'm really hungry now!" she told the both of them not without smirking at Miyuki. Their faces were both red but quickly went to Madel as she was ahead the both of them."

'Damn it Madel! I'll get you for this!' 


The trio finally sat down on their seats and chatted happily. They talked about their hobbies to movies and shows. Miyuki wasn't sure if those two were a match but she didn't pay much attention to this cause she knew someone was interested in Madel and there is 63% chance that she liked him as well. The trio failed to realize that there was a boy watching them.

"Michael Luke, let's see how much you changed." he said as he left before anyone sees him.

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