Hungry Lust

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Michael's POV

  We had all been rehearsing for at least three hours. Julianna was an exceptional dancer with every step. She even applied some of her dancing knowledge to choreography. She was a lot smarter than I ever knew.

"Michael I think right after you kick your leg up in that part you should do your little heehee or you should say get on girl!"

She says it while trying to do my voice. I can't help but laugh my ass off. We were working on the choreography for the new song I wrote called "The Way You Make Me Feel." Julianna was supposed to be the girl I'm chasing afterwards in the video, but I wasn't sure if she knew that yet.

"Sounds great Julie"

Her gradient smile beams as she swishes around with her dark thick ponytail bouncing. She was the definition of perfect. I turn around to see my other dance helper David Kingston. He helped me come up with the dance moves. We would just listen to the song and make up dances to the beat.

"Wassup Mike"

I laugh. He had that kind of gangster attitude.

"Hey what's going on David?"

"I see you brought a beautiful girl here with you. She your girl?"

"No she's going to be in my video"

"She's the girl you chose for the song?!"

I nod looking over at her to see if she's paying any attention. She's just talking to Frank about the picture of puppies on the wall.

"Yes she is"

"Mike! My man you doin it big bruh"

He slaps my back. I laugh.

"You need to hook up with her"

"I'm busy right now. I have to pay attention to my music, and she's a lot different than you think. I don' think she's ever been in a relationship before."

"I doubt a girl like her is a virgin. I mean look at her."

I glare at him.

"Are you saying she looks like a slut?"

"No no Mike. Pretty girls lose it first."

"You don't even know how ignorant you sound saying that."

He puts his hands up in defense.

"You need to hit that."

He pats my shoulder and strolls away. I wondered. Was she ever in love? I hope not.


Julianna's POV

We have all taken our showers and now I'm eating a gourmet caesar salad. It was the best food I had ever eaten. Most of my life I ate mama's tortillas and tacos. Thinking of her and my sister made me feel sad. I hadn't skyped them, and they hadn't called me either. Maybe they were getting along great without me. Just the thought made me choke on my lettuce. I cough and Frank pats my back.

"Thank you"


I look up at him and he's just sipping tea gazing off into the California sun.

"Yes, Frank?"

"You do know Mike has feelings for you right?"

I hesitate. This was an inappropriate conversation for me to be talking about with Frank. It scared me.

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